get high on造句带翻译释义:1.You know, sometimes I don't even need to buy anything. I just get high on trying on and looking at things.你知道,有时候我也不是需要什...
get green light造句带翻译释义:1.After that, as political relations soured, both companies failed to get green light from their governments for a second well.此...
get feet wet网络释义:涉足网络释义1.涉足 ... Do not get wet 死亡金属 Get Feet Wet 涉足 get soaking wet 全身湿透 ......
get in line美式发音: 英式发音: v.排队网络释义:插队;去排队;排队吧网络释义v.1.排队1.排队 get a little preoccupied 事先有事 get in line 排队 get over with...
get hitched美式发音: 英式发音: na.〈非正式〉结婚网络释义:就是结婚的意思;拴起来;意思是结婚同义词v.get married,marry,tie the knot,wed,walk down the aisle网...
get hold of美式发音: 英式发音: v.抓住;捉住网络释义:掌握;得到;拿到同义词v.obtain,find,acquire,search out,scare up网络释义un.1.抓住;抓起2.蔓延3.拿到;弄到手4...
get in a lather造句带翻译释义:1.All this suggests there is little to get in a lather about. Inflation is always a cause for concern. But, today, not for panic....
get in on the act美式发音: 英式发音: 网络释义:插上一手同义词v.take part,join in,be involved,jump on the bandwagon,interfere网络释义 take part in...
get hold of oneself网络释义:控制自己网络释义1.控制自己 ... get hold of 1. 一把抓住;掌握;得到 2.得到,获得 3.抓住,理解 get hold of oneself 控制自己 ......
get in exchange造句带翻译释义:1.What does a government get in exchange for these favors, a Fed auditor might ask?政府用这些支持交易到了什么好处,每一个美联储的审...
get in one's hair网络释义:激怒某人;给某人惹麻烦;惹某人生气网络释义1.激怒某人 ... hair-raising: 令人恐惧 get in one's hair 激怒某人 pull one's hair out 生气;发怒 ......
get hooked网络释义:上钩;钩住;迷上了网络释义1.上钩 上弓[ up-bow] 上钩[ take;get hooked;rise to the bait] 上古[ ancient times] ... 2.钩住 ... ) hook up 以钩钩住 ) ge...
get in shape网络释义:健身;恢复体型;保持身材网络释义1.健身 )Freeload 白吃白喝,占便宜 )Get in shape 健身,恢复体形 )Yo…2.恢复体型 )squats 蹲坐 )Get in shape 恢复体型 )Get...
get in the way美式发音: 英式发音: na.妨碍网络释义:挡道;碍事;挡路同义词v.obstruct,hinder,impede,interfere,encumber网络释义na.1.妨碍1.妨碍 reply to 回答、...
get inside美式发音: 英式发音: un.当选;挤过来网络释义:上啊;到位;知道内情网络释义un.1.当选2.挤过来1.上啊 ... Take it 占领它 Everybody,get inside 所有人,上啊...
get in there网络释义:滚进去;进去吧;采取积极行动网络释义1.滚进去 ... Benny,don't fire 贝尼,别开枪 Get in there 滚进去 Jesus fuckin' Christ,Benny 该死的贝尼 ... 2.进...