get his
美式发音: 英式发音:na.得到应有的报酬
1.如愿以偿 ... get one's ~ 如愿以偿 (达成愿望) sexual ~ 性欲 ...
2.得到应有的惩罚 ... get from 从…处得到… get one's ◎ [美国口语]得到应有的惩罚 get something on someone [口语]抓住某人的 …
3.元气的恢复 2 元气的恢复 get one's ~ 恢复常态 right itself ...
造句带翻译释义:,得到应有的报酬,如愿以偿,得到应有的惩罚,元气的恢复1."Yeah, " I said, crumpling the paper, "and if I know anything about Gryphonheart, he'll do anything to get his way. "“是的,”我说,蹂躏着这长纸,“凭着我对格芬哈特的了解,他真的会这么做的。”
2."China has been trying to help Abe get his foot out of his mouth, " said Mr Dujarric.杜加里克说:“中国一直在努力帮助安倍摆脱信口说话的负面影响。”
3.He kept the dent10 to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention.他保留着那处凹痕以提醒自己生活不应如此行色匆匆,等别人扔来砖块才引起自己注意。
4.When Wang was dragged out to get his head chopped off, he did not seem frightened at all. He was not even nervous.当王延寿被拖出来准备行刑时,他看起来一点也不害怕,也不紧张。
5.Probably took him most of a year just to get his head through.也许仅能让脑袋通过就花了他近一年的时间。
6.Meanwhile Judah sent the young goat by his friend the Adullamite in order to get his pledge back from the woman, but he did not find her.犹大托他朋友亚杜兰人送一只山羊羔去,要从那女人手里取回当头来,却找不着她,
7.Summers had been a key Obama economic adviser during the election campaign and some had thought he might get his old job back at Treasury.萨默斯在本次大选期间担任奥巴马的关键经济顾问,一些人曾以为萨默斯有可能重占财长宝座。
8.He must have been a pretty sweet talker though, because he did manage to get his bishopric back after just a few years.不过,他肯定拥有一副伶牙俐齿,因为仅仅过了几年,主教职位又再次成为他的囊中之物。
9.A determined prime minister with a majority of parliamentary seats, therefore, can pretty much get his way.因此,一个在议会赢得大多数席位的坚决的前总理,能够顺利实施他的计划。
10.He missed both of his planned quad jumps and will trying to get his confidence back over the next two days.他忘记了原计划的四周跳,并将努力在之后两天中找回他的自信。