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get in on the act是什么意思_怎么读

get in on the act

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v.take part,join in,be involved,jump on the bandwagon,interfere


na.1.to take part in an activity that someone else is doing, in order to gain some of the advantages for yourself

1.插上一手 ... Get away with murder 逍遥法外 Get in on the act 插上一手 Get in on the ground floor 取得有利地位 ...


1.Other centres are now trying to get in on the act.其它金融中心现在正试图介入。

2.She has made a lot of money from her business and now her family want to get in on the act too.她在生意上赚了大钱,现在她家里的人也要插手了。

3.Smart Sentences Preparing for Spring Festival is so much fun. Let's get in on the act.为春节作准备太好玩了,我们也一起参加吧。

4.That, combined with the fact that league tables sell newspapers, meant that otherswere quick to get in on the act.加之排名表能带动报纸的销量,这就意味着很快其他人也会来分一杯羹。

5.This also makes the benefits of employing such measures relatively short-lived as competitors get in on the act.如果竞争对手也这么做,很显然这种姿态的效果也就无法长久了。

6.When it comes to the growth of the Chinese healthcare industry, everybody wants to get in on the act.就中国医药保健行业的增长而言,大家都希望分得一杯羹。

7.Would OpenOffice survive if Lotus and Corel get in on the act?如果Lotus和Corel参与进来OpenOffice会生存下来吗?

8.Speaking of the US channels, the insider added: "They know how big Susan Boyle went and they want to get in on the act fast. "说到美国电视台,内部人士补充说:“他们知道苏珊的名气后来变得有多大,所以他们想赶紧参与进这个‘运动’中。”

9.How long is it going to be before the terrorists get in on the act?再过多久恐怖分子将加入到这一行动呢?