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get hooked是什么意思_怎么读

get hooked



1.上钩 上弓[ up-bow] 上钩[ take;get hooked;rise to the bait] 上古[ ancient times] ...

2.钩住 ... ) hook up 以钩钩住 ) get hooked 钩住 ) take a hitch on 提起;钩住 ...

3.迷上了 have a crash on 对某人有好感 get hooked 迷上了 fall for 坠入情网 ...


1.The important thing here in the beginning was not so much to get hooked up with anybody in particular and get action going right away.关键是一开始不能和某一个人走的太近并且不能过早采取行动。

2.If it is mutual then you soon get hooked up in a relationship.如果是的话,你很快就会通过联系相互连接起来的。

3.Yes, I'm really fond of it. This program is very educational and informative. If you watch it once, I guarantee that you'll get hooked.是的。我特别喜欢这个节目。它的内容丰富。而且非常有教育意义。我保证你看一集也会上瘾的。

4.Furthermore, some people get hooked on coffee because of the caffeine, and that has always been considered negative.此外,一些人被吸引住,因为咖啡因咖啡,一直被看作是负面的。

5.it's a pun. They use the fish hook to make you think about how you can get hooked on smoking.那是个双关语.用上钩让你联想到吸烟上瘾。

6.Unable to control themselves , some teenagers get hooked by online games , which is a constant worry to the teachers and parents .由于缺乏自控能力,一些青少年迷恋于网上游戏,这成了老师和家长始终担心的事。

7.There is also the longer-term question of whether consumers might get hooked on price cuts.同时,还有一个长期问题也没有解决——顾客会不会对降价成瘾?

8."You need a computer, then you need to get hooked up, " he said.“你需要一台电脑,然后连起来,”他说。

9.We want you to get hooked on asking, "Which thought feels better? " Let the feeling of relief become what is most important to you.这就是不再继续纠缠在一些让你感到不快的事情上的好处——放下,你会得到解脱。

10.If you get hooked, you'll need more and more, it'll cost you more money, and you might have to steal to support the habit.上瘾之后,需要量越来越大,需要更多的钱,甚至还要为了满足毒瘾去偷窃。