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get hair是什么意思_怎么读

get hair


1.He write about his relations with Chinese people, including a funny story on how his assistant tried to get hair to grow on his bald head.他在书中描绘了他与中国人的各种关系,其中一个有趣的故事是关于他的助手怎样努力让谢顶的脑袋长出头发来。

2.So guys who are unlucky enough to be losing their hair usually wear hats, or get hair replacement.那些不幸患有脱发症的男人通常都要戴着帽子或接受植发,头发稀疏的会竭尽全力使之浓密。

3.Women have their beauty regime down to a fine art and get hair, clothes and make-up done in just 75 minutes.而女性的日常美容程序已经成为了一门精妙的艺术:75分钟内搞定头发、衣服和化妆。

4.After all, the TAC is where his predecessors came to get hair cuts and indulge in cheese burgers.再怎么说,TAC终归是他的各位前任修剪头发、尽情享用乳酪汉堡的地方啊。