get in on
美式发音: 英式发音:网络释义:参加;加入;参与第三人称单数:gets in on 现在分词:getting in on 过去式:got in on 过去分词:gotten in on
网络释义 become involved in something that other people are doing that is fun or interesting, or that makes money
1.参加 enter into 1. 进入; 参加; 成为...的一部分 get in on 参加(活动), 加入 get involved 参与, 卷入; 感兴趣 ...
2.加入 enter into 1. 进入; 参加; 成为...的一部分 get in on 参加(活动), 加入 get involved 参与, 卷入; 感兴趣 ...
3.参与 ● come down on: 坚决要求;处罚 ● get in on: 分享;参与 ● creep up on: 慢 …
4.分享 ● come down on: 坚决要求;处罚 ● get in on: 分享;参与 ● creep up on: 慢 …
5.参加加入 ... Get away from 摆脱 Get in on 参加加入 Get down to 开始认真考虑 着手办理某事 ...
6.参与什么东西 ... 什么东西搞笑- ______cracks me up 参与什么东西。- get in on _____. 发泄 - let it out ...
造句带翻译释义:,参加,加入,参与1.Other businesses soon took note of pornography's unstoppable selling power and decided to get in on all that sweaty, moustachioed action.其他公司很快注意到色情那种势不可挡的促销能力,并决定加入这种大汗淋漓、满脸胡子的行动。
2.Portfolio managers will tell you their clients have been back on the phone since the start of the year, eager to get in on the action.投资组合经理们会告诉你,他们的客户从年初开始又打来电话,跃跃欲试地要一展身手。
3.By this point, your question should be, "How do I get in on this trend? "在这个时候,你可能会问我,“那我该如何从这个趋势中获利呢?”
4.So many people are so anxious to "get in" on a "ground floor opportunity" , as if the opportunity will do all the work. That's impossible.有那么多的人是如此渴望得到一个基层的机会,就好像机会本身会起作用。那是不可能的!
5.Joey's knee was much better. He hoped to get in on a piece of the action at the next football game .乔伊的膝盖好多了,他希望下次足球赛时他能参上一脚。
6.Whether foreign banks manage to get in on the action or not , the Shenzhen gold rush shows no signs of stopping .无论外资投行能否搭上这辆快车,深圳淘金热似乎都不会停止。
7.It creates a culture in which people routinely jump from one job to another, looking to get in on the next must-have product or service.这创造了一种身在其中的人们可以从一个职位稀松平常地跳槽到另一个职位,寻找进入下一个必须拥有的产品或者服务中去的文化。
8.There's even a way for you to get in on the hot dignitary action!即使是平凡的你,也可以参与此项活动哦!
9.Other centres are now trying to get in on the act.其它金融中心现在正试图介入。
10.The more you spend, the more people benefit, and the more people get in on the game and dovetail with you.你花费的越多,人们也越多地受益,人们越愿意加入游戏并与你吻合。