get in the way
美式发音: 英式发音:na.妨碍
1.妨碍 reply to 回答、答复 34. get in the way 妨碍 35. as much as 和……一样多 36…
2.挡道 in this way 用这种方法 get in the way 挡道,妨碍 be used to doing 习惯于 ...
3.碍事 sleepy 困倦 get in the way 碍事 sleepy 困乏的,要睡觉的。 ...
4.挡路 give away: 泄露 get in the way: 挡路 go for it with sd: 和某人在一起 ...
5.阻碍 express way 高速公路;快车道 get in the way 妨碍,阻碍 lead the way 带路,示范 ...
6.成为障碍 get down to: 着手进行 get in the way: 成为障碍 get to: 到达 ...
7.妨碍,阻碍 ... 7. run into traffic: 堵在路上,遇到交通堵塞。 8. get in the way: 妨碍,阻碍。 9. preschool: 幼儿园。 ...
8.碍事儿 ... Scooby gang 抓贼小分队 get in the way 碍事儿 - No. You left after... 这个没说的部分才是亮点。事实是 ...
造句带翻译释义:,妨碍,挡道,碍事,挡路1.Mr. Obama said he does not want to see - what he called - "petty politics" get in the way of reform.奥巴马说,他不希望看到他所说的“政治把戏”阻碍改革。
2.Worst of all, such a journey would get in the way of him going into the clergy.最严重的是,这样的一次旅途将妨碍他成为一名牧师。
3.He had been told at the start of the meeting to behave themselves and not get in the way of others, so he did not have a good time.聚会一开始,他就被告知要行为规矩点,不要妨碍别人,所以他玩得不痛快。
4.Nothing is allowed to block the sun or get in the way of the equipment. And that means getting rid of the trees.不允许有任何阻挡阳光或者妨碍设备运作的东西,这意味着必须除掉树木。
5.This construction worker wasn't going to let the small matter of not having adequate safety equipment get in the way of his job.这位建筑工人不想让没有适当安全装备这种小事阻碍他的工作。
6.For anyone trying to understand the big picture, predictable seasonal gyrations just get in the way.但对于试图了解整体趋势的人来说,可预测的季节性变动只会起到阻碍作用。
7.And he said politics politics must not allow allowed to get in the way of reform.他还说,绝不允许政治因素影响改革的进度。
8.Toss the ones that run counter to what you believe. They will only get in the way when you try to hear and follow your inner voice.扔掉那些与你的信念背道而驰的信息,因为这些信息只会在你努力倾听并遵循内心的声音时成为绊脚石。
9.It's all too easy to let everyday life (stress, boredom, kids) get in the way of sex.生活中的那些事(压力、厌倦、孩子)都太容易妨碍性生活了。
10.Instead, she said that US concerns on these issues must not be allowed to get in the way of closer collaboration with China.相反,她表示,美国在这些问题上的关切,不得妨碍美中两国加强协作。