get in shape
1.健身 )Freeload 白吃白喝,占便宜 )Get in shape 健身,恢复体形 )Yo…
2.恢复体型 )squats 蹲坐 )Get in shape 恢复体型 )Getting a little soft 变得有点胖 ...
3.保持身材 ... eat well 健康首选;吃得营养;吃的好;胃口好 get in shape 保持良好状态,保持身材 get plenty of sleep 睡眠充足 ...
4.保持好身材 ... Jepardise human health 毁坏人类健康 get in shape 保持好身材 be intensely practical 相当实际 ...
5.恢复体形 )Freeload 白吃白喝,占便宜 )Get in shape 健身,恢复体形 )Yo…
6.改善体型 balanced diet 均衡饮食 get in shape 改善体型 fitness 健康 ...
7.保持体型 6. fit 苗条 7. get in shape 保持体型 1. brew 煮;泡 ...
8.把身材变的比较好 1.get in shape 把身材变的比较好. 2.screw something up 把什麽事搞杂. ...
造句带翻译释义:,健身,恢复体型,保持身材1.I needed to make sales and asked the customer if I could 'get in shape' and he told me to go for it.我得促成这些交易,并问客户能否让我“减减肥”,他说可以。
2.She and her husband joined a gym a year ago looking to get in shape and get out of the house.一年前,她和他的丈夫加入了健身房来寻找状态并搬出了家。
3.Using martial arts to get in shape is quite a good idea, don't you think?利用练武术来锻炼身体,真是个不错的主意,你觉得呢?
4.MIKE: No. Look. I'm your friend and I can tell you. You'd better get in shape, or you're going to have a heart attack.迈克:不。瞧。我是你的朋友,我得告诉你。你最好恢复恢复体型,否则你会得心脏病的。
5.I know I said I wanna get in shape, but I don't think I can do it!我知道我说过想健身,减肥,但是我觉得可能做不到!
6.Walcott cancelled his summer holiday and decided to start pre-season early to get in shape.沃尔科特取消了自己的暑假,并决定提前开始季前训练以让自己尽早的进入状态。
7.I gotta get in shape now, Too much sitting has ruined my body. . . . . . . Every muscle must be tight.我得锻炼身体,坐的太久对身体不好。……让所有肌肉变得结实。
8.We've been out of shape for several years, but then we try to get in shape in one week!我们身材走样好几年了,但是那时我们努力在一星期之内减掉所有肥肉。
9.You might think a gentle nudge from a loving partner would help you stick to your plan to redecorate the house or get in shape.你可能认为你伴侣的温柔鼓励会帮助你更坚定地执行你的计划,如重修房子或健身。
10.I've wanted to get in shape for a while.这句花的意思是·我早就想塑造漂亮的身材。