get away with美式发音: 英式发音: na.拿走;避开责备[惩罚];〈俚〉卷(款)潜逃网络释义:逃避惩罚;被放过;侥幸做成第三人称单数:gets away with  现在分词:gett...
get back on one's feet网络释义:重新站起来;东山再起;从失败中重新站起来网络释义1.重新站起来 respiratory 呼吸的 get back on one's feet 重新站起来 wind down 接下,绞下 ....
get carried away美式发音: 英式发音: 网络释义:得意忘形;失去理智;不要被拉走了网络释义 become so excited or involved in something that you lose contr...
get back in shape网络释义:恢复身体;恢复健康;恢复体形网络释义1.恢复身体 ... get away 出去 get back in shape 恢复身体 get back to 再和……联系 ... 2.恢复健康 ... 看...
get chummy with造句带翻译释义:1.Male directors mentor young men but are reluctant to get chummy with young women, lest the relationship be misconstrued.男董事指...
get back to美式发音: 英式发音: un.报复;回到网络释义:再和……联系;回到某地;重新回到第三人称单数:gets back to  现在分词:getting back to  ...
get cold feet美式发音: 英式发音: un.没有准备;站稳脚跟;畏缩;感到沮丧网络释义:害怕做某事;临阵退缩;临阵畏缩网络释义un.1.没有准备2.站稳脚跟3.畏缩4.感到沮丧5.觉...
get down on one knee网络释义:跪下向某人求婚;单膝下跪;单腿跪下网络释义1.跪下向某人求婚 ... ) propose 向某人求婚 ) get down on one knee 跪下向某人求婚 ) pop the ques...
get bearings造句带翻译释义:1.German detector vans cruised through town streets and country roads to try and get bearings on the clandestine transmitters.德军探...
get behind美式发音: 英式发音: na.落后;〈美〉支持;追究…的根源[真相];拖欠网络释义:识破;回避;看穿第三人称单数:gets behind  现在分词:getting behind...
get cracking美式发音: 英式发音: na.〈非正式〉立即行动网络释义:开始做;快点;开始工作同义词v.get going,get a move on,get on,make a start,get moving网络释义n...
get down pat造句带翻译释义:1.I realize this is quite long, but this is really an important concept to get down pat, before moving on to more difficult stuff.我...
get better美式发音: 英式发音: na.(病)渐愈网络释义:变得更好;好转;变好同义词反义词v.deterioratev.recover,recuperate,improve,turn the corner,bounce back网络...
get down to basics造句带翻译释义:1.You need to get down to basics with regard to yourself.个人方面,你可能需要回归到基础。2.First off, get down to basics.首先,要从...
get detail造句带翻译释义:1.So I will discuss with you when I get detail information.因此,我会与您讨论时,我得到的详细信息。2.But the problem of capturing a picture...
get bigger网络释义:变得更大;变更大网络释义1.变得更大 27. get to work 开始工作 29. get bigger 变得更大 30. with an s 加有 s ... 2.变更大 ... 8.a miracle of love 爱...
get down to brass tacks美式发音: 英式发音: na.“Come down to tacks”的变体网络释义:讨论实质问题;来谈谈实质性问题;开门见山网络释义na.1.“Come down to tack...
get dressed up造句带翻译释义:1.A women who will love to travel, get dressed up for a romantic dinner and not mind spending an afternoon in the great outdoors.一...
get excited网络释义:激动;高兴;变得兴奋网络释义1.激动 fly off the handle 发火; 很生气 get excited 激动; 激怒 get on one's nerves 激怒, 使生气 ... 2.高兴 ... 7.have...
get hands on造句带翻译释义:1.In the classroom and the arena, they get hands-on experience with various breeds of horses commonly used for riding.不论是在教室还...