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get down to brass tacks是什么意思_怎么读

get down to brass tacks

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na.“Come down to tacks”的变体



na.1.“Come down to tacks”的变体

na.1.to start discussing the most important issue2.The variant of Come down to tacks

1.讨论实质问题 ... get down on 开始不喜欢 get down to brass tacks 讨论实质问题 get down to one's work 静下心来工作 ...

2.来谈谈实质性问题 铜 Brass 来谈谈实质性问题 Get Down to Brass Tacks 简况报告 Brief Status Report ...

3.开门见山 She’s a nice old body. 她是一个很好的老人。 get down to brass tacks 开门

4.触及问题实质 ... double in brass 兼作两用,兼职 get down to brass tacks 讨论重要问题,触及问题实质 army brass 军队将领 ...

5.问题的实质的最好方法是,不要急功近利、想很快富裕起来。一个人想要在商业上成功,还是勤奋工作,好好谈谈问题的实质get down

6.讨论重要问题 ... double in brass 兼作两用,兼职 get down to brass tacks 讨论重要问题,触及问题实质 army brass 军队将领 ...

7.针对事实讨论细节 ... Above board 光明正大诚实有公信力的 Get down to brass tacks 针对事实讨论细节 ...

8.转入本题 ... 转入 cover into 转入本题 get down to brass tacks 转入成本 transfer in cost;transferred in cost ... ...


1.You get down to brass tacks when you say, " it sounds good, but how much does it cost? "你探究到底的时候会说,“听起来不错,但它到底值多少钱?”

2.Gentlemen, now that we understand the principle of the matter, let's get down to brass tacks.好了,各位先生,现在既然了解了此事的基本方针,我们就直接了当地讨论吧。

3.let's get down to brass tacks. How much does this computer cost?咱们就值说了吧,这部电脑要多少钱?

4.OK, OK, I have known that. Let's get down to brass tacks. How much does this computer cost?知道知道,我已经知道这些了。咱们就直说吧,这部电脑要多少钱?

5."But when you get down to brass tacks, " I interrupted, "the comparison is still a less-than comparison letter by letter. "“但是本质上,”我打断了Guru,“比较函数还是从字面上的‘小于‘比较。”

6.They feel there is some risk in trying to get down to brass tacks.他们感觉试图把实质问题搞清楚有些冒险。

7.I don't come here for your silly jokes. Let's get down to brass tacks and decide on a schedule for our work.我不是来听你这些无聊笑话的。言归正传,订出我们的工作日程。

8.I do not come here to listen to your silly jokes. Let's get down to brass tacks and decide on a schedule for our work.我不是来听你这些无聊的笑话的,让我们言归正传,订一个工作日程!

9.we ll also get down to brass tacks , and actually study some real cryptographic packages , complete with code examples.我们还将讨论实质问题,并实际研究一些真正的密码套装软体,包括程式范例。

10.The General wanted to get down to brass tacks. He wanted to know how many soldiers had died in the battle.将军想了解实质性问题——这场战役中到底死了多少士兵。