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get free是什么意思_怎么读

get free

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v.cut loose,get away,escape,break away,break free


na.1.获得自由 (of)

1.摆脱 ... get foul (绳索)纠缠, 缠住。 get free 摆脱...。 获得自由, 获得解放。 get free of 免除, 逃脱。 ...

2.获得自由 free trade [经]自由贸易 get free 获得自由;自由了 free time 空闲时间,自由时间 ...

3.脱身 [take to the heels] 快速起步;迈步 [get free] 抽身;脱身 [specially advance;promote] 提拔 ...

4.获取自由 ... Youth dream 青春梦想 Get free 获取自由 Under the flag 旗帜.. ...

5.自由了 free trade [经]自由贸易 get free 获得自由;自由了 free time 空闲时间,自由时间 ...

6.抽身 [take to the heels] 快速起步;迈步 [get free] 抽身;脱身 [specially advance;promote] 提拔 ...


1.All this, the civilized shore, looked probable to me, appealing, but I had no thought that I could jump ship and get free.这个文明的海岸,于我充满了希望,非常动人并富于感染力。但我却没有想着可以跳下船,以期得到我梦寐以求的自由。

2.As he struggled to get free, I ran up and sucker punched him in the gut.他挣脱之时我跑过去在他肚子上给了他一拳。

3.Each distro has its own online community, which is often the best place to get free yet comprehensive help when issues arise.每个发行版本都有它自己的在线社区,通常这是最好的能获取免费且综合的帮助地方。

4.T[color=Red]hey haven't til tomorrow afternoon to sign up to try to be one of the 8750 people to get free tickets.歌迷们得等到明天下午才能尝试申请免费的入场券,一共有8750个人可以得到免费入场券。

5.In certain businesses, one of those initiatives might be an explicit strategy to use the service catalog to get free of legacy systems.在某些业务中,这些创新之一可能是使用服务目录来解放遗留系统的外在策略。

6.If it's weird to charge for water when eating in a restaurant, then it must be natural to get free water in coffee houses when drinking tea.吃饭时向饭馆要白开水得收钱,那么到咖啡馆喝茶,再添一道白开水总是天经地义的吧?

7.Hack was a naughty lad and a caring person as well. He hoped that negros can achieve freedom so he helped Jim to get free.哈克一个调皮,同时又是一个有爱心的人,他希望黑奴获得自由,他帮助黑奴吉姆获得自由。

8.Yes, they talk like that, all the time. I've heard 'em say that if he was to get free they'd lynch him.我也一样,汤姆。老天爷,我听到他们骂他是全国头一号恶棍,他们还说他为什么从前没被绞死呢。

9.Classic words Get free Meet friend It take a strong man to save himself, a great man to save another.坚强的人只能救赎自己,伟大的人才能拯救他人。

10.Going to clubs or parties to get free drinks or to meet celebrities is criminal waste of time.去夜总会或集会喝免费饮料,又或者去参加庆祝会只会虚度时光。