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get carried away是什么意思_怎么读

get carried away

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na.1.to become so excited or involved in something that you lose control of your feelings or behavior

1.得意忘形 hard nut to track 艰难的事、棘手的事 get carried away 得意忘形,失去理智 within reason 合理地 ...

2.失去理智 hard nut to track 艰难的事、棘手的事 get carried away 得意忘形,失去理智 within reason 合理地 ...

3.不要被拉走了乐升起时,不要乐过了头(overjoyed ), 不要被拉走了 ( get carried away );当痛苦来了,不要绝望,别让自己迷失在其中; …

4.失去理智,得意忘形 9. nerve: 胆量。 10. get carried away: 失去理智,得意忘形。 These new shoes are giving me hell.( 这双新鞋穿的很不舒 …

5.失去自制力 go out of one's way 不怕麻烦 get carried away 失去自制力 hold in 约束 抑制 ...

6.一时感情冲动而失去自制力 ... get by 通过/ 走过去/ 勉强过 get carried away 一时感情冲动而失去自制力 get cold feet 害怕或紧张 ...

7.冲昏了头脑 humble adj. 卑微的,谦卑的 get carried away 冲昏了头脑 savvy adj. 聪慧的 ...


1.Normal people may get carried away by words. Aphasics seem to understand human expressions better, though they cannot understand words.正常人有时会被言语牵着走,尽管听不懂语言,但失语症患者能更好的理解人类的表情。

2.It's very easy to get carried away when planning your dream wedding, and before you know it you've spent a small fortune.在计划你梦中的婚礼时很容易就失控而超出预算,而且在你意识到之前你已经花了不少钱了。

3.But before we get carried away, we should grasp how much has already been lost. Take Japan. Please.但我们在兴奋不已之前,应对自己已遭受的损失心中有数。请以日本为例。

4.Disarmament by the status quo nuclear powers may make it easy to patch it up. But don't get carried away.现有的核国家进行核裁军,可能会使修补该条约变得容易。

5.It's easy to get carried away at auction sales. You should take a tip from me and carry only as much money as you intend to spend.在拍卖行很容易被说动花钱,所以你应听我的劝告,只带你计划好了要花的钱。

6.The media made a meal of it for days, speculating about whether Clinton was about to crack up or get carried away by her hormones.媒体接连数日对此进行了连篇累牍的报道,纷纷猜测雌性荷尔蒙是否会导致希拉里就此败北。

7.One morning, he found a small sheep, carefully check, original pen broke a hole, night wolf get carried away a sheep a.一天早晨,他发现少了一只羊,仔细一查,原来羊圈破了个窟窿,夜间狼钻进来把羊叼走了一只。

8.It's easy to get carried away when you can do so much with the graphics software.当你能使用绘图软件做这么多的事情时,你很容易变得忘乎所以。

9.Too often American leaders get carried away by emotions or politics without a decent sense of what they're getting the nation into.美国领导人常常让情感或政治冲昏头脑,没有充分意识到他们正把国家引领到何处。

10.I tend to stop before fiddling around for too long, as it's too easy to get carried away over-detailing wooden patterns.我倾向于在拖延前止步很久,因为它太容易丢失过详细木制样式。