get hands on
造句带翻译释义:1.In the classroom and the arena, they get hands-on experience with various breeds of horses commonly used for riding.不论是在教室还是在赛马场,他们将会亲身体验马术用的各种类马匹。
2.Then, the waiter will come pouring, then, do not get hands-on glass, but should be put on the table by the waiter to pour.接着,侍者会来倒酒,这时,不要动手去拿酒杯,而应把放在桌上由待者去倒。
3.You started to get hands-on experience with the tool and created the domain model used in this series.您开始获得使用工具的第一手经验,并且创建本系列教程中所使用的域模型。
4.To get hands-on experience working with this exciting new product.以获得使用这个令人激动的新产品的实习经验。
5.Enthusiasts can already get hands on the Release Candidate here.爱好者已经可以从这里获得发布候选版。
6.There often isn't enough time to get hands-on training before starting on a project.经常并没有足够的时间在开始项目前进行实际培训。
7.They only want to sell weapons and get hands on resources and possibly a land route to Arabian sea.他们唯一想做的是卖武器和染指资源并想要一个陆上路线去阿拉伯。
8.Work through it step by step to get hands-on experience.您可以一步步地学习它以获得实际的经验。
9.Overseas banks get hands on renminbi business人民币业务对外资银行全面开放