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get done是什么意思_怎么读

get done

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un.1.to pay more money than something is worth, especially because someone has tricked you

1.完成 ... 1.She has a face marked with worries.( 她满脸愁容) get done( 与句子主语是被动关系) to do( 动作未发性) ...

3.表被动 get done 表被动 11. total adj. 完全的,全然的, 全部的, 总计的 ...

4.被动结构更侧重于表示动作 21. have sth done 在定语从句中的使用 29. get done 被动结构更侧重于表示动作 35. take a rain check 意思是改天再做某事 ...

5.歌词翻译 ... well done 翻译 get done 歌词翻译 •in sb's interest 怎么翻译6回答2010-09-12 ...

6.变得疲倦 ... jolly: 快乐 get done: 变得疲倦 bother: 烦扰 ...

7.也是被动语态的一种形式 47.prevalent 意为 “普遍的,盛行的”。 19.get done 也是被动语态的一种形式。 26.draw the curtains as well 也把窗帘拉 …


1.But political lassitude means that this will not get done before the next hurricane season.但是政治上的疲惫麻木意味着这件事在下个飓风季节来临之前是没法干了。

2.Every morning make a list of the things you would like to get done during the day, then cut off the bottom half of the list.每天早晨列出你一天内想要做的事,然后把它的后半段砍掉。

3.You'd be surprised at how much you can manage to get done if you just concentrate.如果你专心去做,就会惊异地发现自己能够完成多大的工作量。

4.You'll be surprised how much you can get done in a day.你会对自己一天所能做到的事情感到吃惊的。

5.Tell yourself, 'how much can I get done, in the time I have left?告诉自己,在我掌控的时间里,我要花多少时间去完成?

6.Do a quick reset of the room you're in - Commercial breaks aren't long but it's amazing how much you can get done.整理一下房间---广告时间不会很长,但还是能有很多事情可以做的。

7.'He gets more done in a day, ' Buffett told Fortune, 'than probably I get done in a week, and I'm not kidding. '巴菲特告诉《财富》(Fortune)杂志:索科尔一天之内做的事比我一周还多,我不是在跟你开玩笑。

8.At a town hall meeting in Missouri Wednesday, Obama said he still didn't know 'whether the deal is going to get done.奥巴马周三在密苏里州的大会上说,他仍不知道交易是否能达成。

9.'I thought, 'He just doesn't understand how much work we have to get done, and how much easier' it is when using email.我认为,艾里森根本不知道我们要做多少事情,而用电子邮件可以省去多少麻烦。

10.Try setting a shorter schedule and you'll often be surprised how much you get done when you need to.试着把时间调少一些,你就会经常大吃一惊地发现你可以完成任何你需要完成的工作。