get a degree网络释义:取得一个学位;取得学位;获得学位网络释义1.取得一个学位 ... Navigation 导航 )Get a degree. 取得一个学位。 )Become certified. 取得认证 …2.取得学位...
get a fix on网络释义:定出位置网络释义1.定出位置 navigator fix 领航坐标 get a fix on [口](通过雷达等电子仪器)定出(某物的)位置 get into a fix [口]陷入困境, 左右为...
get a rise out of网络释义:得到……强烈的反应;惹人生气以取乐;取笑网络释义1.得到……强烈的反应 ... get a kick out of 从……中得到乐趣 get a rise out of 得到……强烈...
get a shot网络释义:打针;有机会;打一针网络释义1.打针 病房 patient room 打针 get a shot 吃药 eat medicine ... 2.有机会 ... humble 谦虚的 get a shot 有机会 knock sb d...
get a handle on网络释义:控制;解决;掌握网络释义1.控制 ... inspection: 检查,视察 get a handle on: 理解,控制 Stamen: [植]雄蕊 ... 2.解决 Get a grip 镇静,冷静 Get a handl...
get ahold of美式发音: 英式发音: v.抓住网络释义:联系某人;抓紧跟进处理;联想上网络释义v.1.抓住un.1.get somebody or something or reach somebody by phone or s...
get a handle on something美式发音: 英式发音: 网络释义:抓到做事的要领网络释义 understand something well1.抓到做事的要领 Greek to Me( 深奥难懂;不...
get along well美式发音: 英式发音: adj.对劲网络释义:相得;合得来;相处融洽网络释义adj.1.对劲1.相得 相传[ tradition has it that] 相得[ get along well;be cong...
get a whiff造句带翻译释义:1.He's got that great baby smell. Get a whiff of his head.是呀,他的宝宝味好香嗅嗅他的头2.Rosalie: (Sighs) Get a whiff of that. (Singson...
get a workout造句带翻译释义:1.It's like taking the elevator instead of the stairs; the ride may be quicker but your muscles won't get a workout.这就像用电梯代替...
get a hold of网络释义:得到;电话;找到网络释义1.得到 457.get it in the neck 受到惩罚 458.get a hold of 得到 459.get going 开始 ... 2.电话 ... "dine and dash"( 不给钱...
Get along with美式发音: 英式发音: na.(工作)进行网络释义:与……相处;相处融洽;与…友好相处同义词反义词v.clashv.get on with,get on well with网络释义na.1.(工...
get an earful网络释义:被教训一顿;听了很多话网络释义1.被教训一顿 flee 逃亡,逃散 get an earful 被教训一顿 nag 唠叨 ... 2.听了很多话 ... bite the dust 失败或死亡 get...
get an eyeful美式发音: 英式发音: na.看个够网络释义:好好看一下;养眼;望个够网络释义na.1.好好看一下,看个够 look at something surprising or shocking1....
get an eyeful of造句带翻译释义:1.The tourists will get an eyeful of the city from the top of that tall building.观光者从那座高楼顶上可以饱览全城的景色。2."Come...
get as far as造句带翻译释义:1.I had never been kissed, nor did I understand the tactics to get as far as she had gone with a boy.从没有人吻过我,我也不懂那些伎俩,...
get answer造句带翻译释义:1.Though we did not get answer to every question but could go fairly close to the possible or probable answer.尽管我们无法回答每一个问...
get around美式发音: 英式发音: na.回避(事实);往来;避开(法律等);智胜(某人)网络释义:走动;规避;四处走动第三人称单数:gets around  现在分词:getting around...
get away from美式发音: 英式发音: v.逃脱网络释义:逃离;离开;摆脱第三人称单数:gets away from  现在分词:getting away from  过去式:got away f...
get as a result造句带翻译释义:1.Authority is the power you get as a result.权威则是这之后你能得到的权力。...
get busy with网络释义:忙于某事网络释义1.忙于某事 ... Ø Finished 完成 Ø get busy with sth. 忙于某事 Ø go into 进入 ... 造句带翻译释义:,忙于某事1.Su...