get along well
美式发音: 英式发音:adj.对劲
1.相得 相传[ tradition has it that] 相得[ get along well;be congenial] 相等[ be equal] ...
2.合得来 合成【 compose;compound】 合得来【 get along well】 合订本【 bound volume;one-volume edition】 ...
3.相处融洽 be tired of 厌倦某事 get along well 相处融洽 It's not a big deal! 没什么大不了的。 ...
4.适应某个环境 ... get along well with sb. 相处融洽 get along well 适应某个环境 And here's your cot. cot 小床 ...
5.爱上某人 ... niece 侄女 get along well 爱上某人 8. ignore 忽略,不去理睬 ...
6.当然也可以和睦相处 -> 可以好好的共处一室( Very Compatible) -> 当然也可以和睦相处( Get along well) -> 偶尔会有点小争执( Fight a lot too) ...
7.关系相处很好 ... decide“ 决定”。 get along well“ 关系相处很好”。 cooperative“ 合作的”。 ...
8.一拍即合 hitting the sack now.6. 一拍即合(get along well) They hit it off immediately
造句带翻译释义:,对劲,相得,合得来,相处融洽1.I get along well with my classmates and am ready to help others.和同学相处很好,愿意帮助别人。
2.Perhaps in working together with him for a long time, we'll learn that he is a man to get along well with.也许同他合作很长一段时间,我们就会知道他是一个男人相处的。
3.Unless everyone can give up a little freedom of his own, otherwise no one can get along well with others.除非人人都放弃自己的一点自由,否则谁也无法和别人愉快地相处。
4.He found it not easy to get along well with her.他发现和她相处好并不容易他发现和她相处好并不容易
5.He seems to get along well with the personnel, but is very anxious around the medical staff .他当然得到了人事部门好好的招待,但是忧虑在全体医生的头上围绕。
6.8 unless everyone give up a little freedom of his own, otherwise no one can get along well with others.除非人人放弃一点自己的自由,否则谁也无法和别人愉快地相处。
7.And for once, the team will get along well enough to capture a title, while defeating Russia and defending champion Spain along the way.这一次,只要一路上溃败俄罗斯和卫冕西班牙,冠军非他们莫属。
8.If you do not get along well with colleagues, your managing director is unlikely to believe you will be able to do that.如果你与同事们相处不好,你的董事总经理将不太可能相信你能够办到这一点。
9.Tom's mother is very strict with him, so he finds it hard to get along well with her.汤姆的妈妈对他要求很严格,所以他觉得很难和妈妈好好相处。
10.If I were boys, female students and I will get along well, not to take their nickname, not bully them, when they put their own sister.假如我是男孩,我会和女同学友好相处,不给她们取外号,不去欺负她们,把她们当自己的妹妹。