get a handle on
1.控制 ... inspection: 检查,视察 get a handle on: 理解,控制 Stamen: [植]雄蕊 ...
2.解决 Get a grip 镇静,冷静 Get a handle on 着手处理;解决 **Garbage fee 没有实际服务的费用 ...
3.掌握 ... 19.变得不可理喻,发疯: go berserk 20.掌握,驾驭某事: get a handle on sth. 7.窃听: wiretap ...
4.着手处理 Get a grip 镇静,冷静 Get a handle on 着手处理;解决 **Garbage fee 没有实际服务的费用 ...
5.驾驭 ... pull off 胜利完成 get a handle on 控制,掌握,驾驭,左右 be determined to 决心,决定 ...
6.左右 ... pull off 胜利完成 get a handle on 控制,掌握,驾驭,左右 be determined to 决心,决定 ...
7.理解 lend support to 支持 get a handle on 理解,解决 back up 支持 ...
8.着手处理某事 take a heavy toll on turtles 造成海龟大量死亡 get a handle on sth. 着手处理某事 outlived the dinosaurs 比恐龙活得长 ...
造句带翻译释义:,控制,解决,掌握1.Another way to get a handle on the increase is to look at the average mobile broadband connection and how much data traffic it uses.这个增长数据也可以通过每月平均移动宽带连接数量和他们的数据流量看出。
2.And investors are trying to get a handle on the troubles facing housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.投资者试图找到解决房产巨头FannieMae和FreddieMac面临的问题的方法。
3.This day can be an opportunity for you to get a preview of what is to come and start to get a handle on that challenge.那天对你来说是一个预知将发生什么并找到应对考验的方法的机会。
4."I don't know if we have a head, but we have a leg and a foot, " he said. "It will take us a year to get a handle on what we've got. "“我不知道我们找到了头部了没有,不过我们找到了腿部和足部,”他说。“我们要花一年时间研究我们所发现的东西。”
5.I decided to put this to the test this weekend to help me get a handle on my ever-growing book collection.我决定在这个周未做一个尝试来处理我日益见长的藏书。
6.Unless he could get a handle on his new boss, Tom figured he'd be lucky to make it to his one-year anniversary.除非汤姆能搞定新上司,否则他就不能幸运地撑到升职周年纪念日了。
7.Also I highly recommend going to galleries to see as much as you can. You'll get a handle on what works for you.此外,我极力推荐大家尽可能多去画廊转转,多看,你就能发现自己喜欢什么样的作品。
8.But Bush, by his own admission, is still struggling to get a handle on where he went wrong.但是,布什坦白说他正着力处理自己所犯的错误。
9.In the U. S. , Avon has failed to get a handle on its more seasonal non-beauty gift items, which represent a third of its portfolio here.在美国,雅芳没能把握住季节性更强的非美容礼品,而这类产品占了其在美国业务的三分之一。
10.U. S. officials admitted that they were still trying to get a handle on the fluid situation.美国官员承认,他们仍在努力了解把握瞬息万变的形势。