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get a hold of是什么意思_怎么读

get a hold of



1.得到 457.get it in the neck 受到惩罚 458.get a hold of 得到 459.get going 开始 ...

2.电话 ... "dine and dash"( 不给钱)吃完就趁机溜 "get a hold of"( 电话)抓得住,找得到 "alcohol poisoning"( 酒精中毒) ...

3.找到 stand a chance 有机会 get a hold of 找到 first thing 立马 ...

4.联系 ... do over 重做 get a hold of 联系 get away 离开 ...

5.取得联络 make the grade( 达标 ) get a hold of ...( 取得联络 ) Lay off him( 别再骚扰他 ) ...

6.电话联络到某人 genuine 纯正的 get a hold of 电话联络到某人 get ahead 走在前面,领先 ...

7.联络上 ... 4.ASAP: 尽快 5.get a hold of联络上 6.first thing: 最重要的事 ...


1.I need this vendor to give me some data, but I can't get a hold of him.我需要厂商提供一些资料,可是我一直联络不上他。

2.A: I've been trying to get a hold of Jim for an hour, but the line is busy.我给Jim打了一个小时的电话,但总是占线。

3.It was a little hard to get a hold of them when I tried to call, so try several times.当时我打电话找店主的时候,好几次都没找到。所以服务有一些不到位。

4.quickest way to get a hold of you? And, finally, don't forget to triple check the addresses and digits for your website, phone etc.最快可能联系到你的方式是什么?最后,不要忘了多次检查你的地址信息和网站、电话等的数字正确与否。

5.She was trying to get a hold of him, wasn't she?她想把他勾搭上手,是吗?

6.I've been trying to get a hold of my landlord for a week.这个星期以来我一直在试着跟我的房东取得联系。

7.Nobody seems to be able to get a hold of the boss. In that case, we have to do without him and handle this emergency on our own.似乎没有人能找得到老板;既然这样,我们也只好不管他,自行处理这件紧急事件了。

8.But I'll let you know if I can get a hold of Calvin.如果联系到卡尔文我一定尽快通知你。

9.I've gotta get out of here! I've gotta get out of here! -Calm down! Get a hold of yourself! -Excuse me, excuse. Let me handle this!我必须离开这里!我必须离开这里!-冷静!控制住自己!-对不起,对不起。让我来处理!

10.Try to get a hold of him again.再试试跟他联系。