get an earful
1.被教训一顿 flee 逃亡,逃散 get an earful 被教训一顿 nag 唠叨 ...
2.听了很多话 ... bite the dust 失败或死亡 get an earful 听了很多话 (常常是抱怨) all ears 洗耳恭听 ...
造句带翻译释义:,被教训一顿,听了很多话1.AMERICAN voters, spared a serious discussion of the budget in the midterm elections, are about to get an earful on the subject.美国的选民们在中期选举时省去了一场关于国家预算的激烈讨论,而直接得到一个让他们满腹怨言的结果。
2.Let me tell you, there's some people that's gonna get an earful on the team bus tonight.我告诉你,今晚在球队大巴上,有一些人会废话连篇的。
3.If he comes here again and tries to make trouble, he'll get an earful from me.如果他再来烦你,我就训他一顿。