get as far as
造句带翻译释义:1.I had never been kissed, nor did I understand the tactics to get as far as she had gone with a boy.从没有人吻过我,我也不懂那些伎俩,不知道如何像她一样与男生交往。
2.These days, it's hard enough to find a suitable job, let alone get as far as an interview.这些日子里,要找个对胃口的工作就够难了,更别提找个对胃口的面试了。
3.They managed to get as far as the Spanish border.他们设法一直跑到了西班牙边境。
4.It's still very early, but I'm supporting Juventus and hope they can get as far as possible in the Serie A race and the Champions League.现在说这些还为时尚早,但我一直在支持尤文图斯。我希望他们可以在联赛和欧冠赛场上走得尽可能地远。
5.If we use the default filename completion we'd get as far as "java TestProgram. " and the get a list of matches.如果使用缺省的文件名完成,我们只会得到“javaTestProgram。”和一个匹配的列表。
6.Instead, the focus should be on how we can even get as far as a post-crisis world.实际上,我们甚至应该把重点放在如何才能走到危机后的世界。
7.I may, perhaps, get as far as Banbury to-day.我也许今天能赶到班伯里。
8.We didn't get as far as we hoped, but we surely made some progress.虽然我们的谈判并不如料想中那么好,但是我们确实取得了一些进展。
9.How did we get as far as we did?那么我们又为什么能走这么远呢?
10.Common courtesy can get you far, and in a job hunt you'd like to get as far as possible.礼貌可以助你走很远,在求职路上你当然希望走得越远越好。