get dressed up
造句带翻译释义:1.A women who will love to travel, get dressed up for a romantic dinner and not mind spending an afternoon in the great outdoors.一个喜欢旅游,愿意为浪漫的晚餐约会而盛装打扮,喜欢户外的女人。
2.A formal is a dance at school where you get dressed up, and usually go with a date, although you don't have to.原来formal在这里指由学校举办的舞会,你要好好打扮一番之后带着你的舞伴一同去参加。
3.Aren't you going to get dressed up for the party ?你们不为晚会穿戴打扮一番吗?。
4.But I do love clothes. It is always fun to get dressed up.但是我很喜欢服饰,打扮也是一件有趣的事情。
5.The custom continues today. Kids get dressed up and say "trick or treat! " , and the people have to give out candy.这个习俗延续至今,小孩们都穿戴起来,喊着“不给糖就捣蛋”挨户掏糖吃。
6.Small kids get dressed up? , then walk around with paper bags or baskets knocking on their neighbor's doors.小孩子们穿好衣服,然后拿着一个纸袋子或者篮子去敲邻居们的门。
7.Let's all get dressed up for Halloween.咱们都穿好万圣节的服装吧。
8.Get dressed up and attend a holiday concert or play.打扮的漂漂亮亮的,去听一场节日音乐会或是看一场话剧表演。
9.They get dressed up like monsters, have parties and trick or treat.他们穿成鬼怪的样子,开晚会,玩恶作剧或款待游戏。
10.Get dressed up, but don't go trick-or-treating.乖乖去打扮化妆吧,别玩啥捣蛋游戏了。