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get better是什么意思_怎么读

get better

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v.recover,recuperate,improve,turn the corner,bounce back



1.变得更好 get off v. 动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等) get better 变得更好;康复 get to know 了解;认 …

2.好转 have a bad cough 得了重咳嗽 get better 好转 take some medicine 吃些药 ...

3.变好 482.on the phone 电话上 483.get better 变好 484.rain hard 下大雨 ...

4.转好 5.not to do 没什么可做 6.get better 转好 7.first of all 首先 ...

5.变的更好 32 a good idea 一个好主意 33 get better 变的更好 34 be careful with matches 小心火柴 ...

6.好起来 12. What’s the matter? 怎么了? 13. get better 好起来 (尤指身体) 14. Good idea! 好主意! ...

7.康复 get off v. 动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等) get better 变得更好;康复 get to know 了解;认 …

8.有改进 (=hastily) 匆忙地 (=get better) 有改进, 好些 (=teach) 教指导训练某人… ...


1.Took a few weekends off, but I'm trying to get better.中间只在几个周末休过假,但我想变得更好。

2.You'll be able to see more detail and get better perspective when you're gazing at a 50 " LCD instead of the little 13" laptop screen.当你从50寸的LCD屏幕而不是小小的13寸笔记本屏幕获取信息的时候,更多细节就会展现在眼前。

3.However, until the next game, get better from the last paddle boat lift first, and then the ship can act.但到下一次比赛,得由上次的优胜船先举桨,然后各船方可以行动。

4.Your imagination is one of the most expensive thing on the planet, so use it a lot and it will get better and better.你的想象力是这个星球上最珍贵的东西,所以你要时常使用它,它也会由此变得更好。

5.You aren't just doing the job, you're explicitly trying to get better at it in the larger sense.他们有比较长远的观点,不只是在做某件工作,而是明显地努力在更大的意义上做得更好。

6.What's wrong with you? I've got a bad cold. I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.你怎么了?我得了重感冒。我听了很难过,我希望你快点好起来。

7.And , if you need help, remember that's what this site is all about - Helping new managers get started and experienced managers get better.并且,如果你需要帮助的话,记住我们的网站---帮助新经理开始以及有经验的经理做得更好。

8.The CEO said the luxury market "can only get better" as the anniversary of the financial crisis passes.这位CEO还表示虽然金融危机一周年纪念日刚过,但是奢侈品市场“只会变得更好”。

9.There's been a sort of shift, so now, people are beginning to recognize that you can have these disorders and you can actually get better.情况一直在变,所以,现在人们开始认识到,你可以患有这些疾病,而实际上,你还可以变得更好。

10.It gets a bit different. It seems to get better. -I think, I think. . . absolutely.那看起来有点儿不同以往。看起来更好。-我认为,我认为…当然。