get drunk
美式发音: 英式发音:na.喝醉了
1.喝醉了 a coffee to go please 口语中用 get drunk 喝醉了 timid 胆小的 ...
2.喝醉酒 get changed 换衣服 get drunk 喝醉酒 get excited 兴奋 ...
3.客人醉酒 21.At Bar 在酒吧里 22.Get Drunk 客人醉酒 23.Toast 行祝酒辞 ...
4.酒醉 使穿著 get dressed 酒醉 get drunk 受伤 get hurt ...
5.寻醉 Newsletter 通讯 1寻醉 get drunk 2祸从口出 out of the mouth ...
造句带翻译释义:,喝醉了,喝醉酒,客人醉酒,酒醉1.But he never could get drunk enough to get her off his mind.可他却从未喝到足以让她从他的心中离去。
2.I decided to carry it with me so that if I feel miserable and want to give up, I can get drunk, cheer myself up and then keep on walking.我决定带着,如果我觉得很难过的,想放弃,我可以喝醉了,高兴起来,然后向前走。
3.When else are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night?什么时候你的父母还会一年花几千块供你去一个生疏的地方每天晚上喝醉。
4.That would be one of the wild nights he needed even once in a while, to get drunk with his friends, and he didn't want a wife along then.除夕之夜乃是他每隔一段时间就需要来一次的狂欢之夜,同他的朋友一起喝得醉醺醺的;
5.You shouldn't trust this guy, you know. He likes to see people get drunk.你不应该相信这家伙,你知道吗。他喜欢看别人喝醉。
6.Chandler: That's right! Where are the guys? I'm ready to get drunk and see some strippers .是的,男人们都到哪里去了?我已经做好喝醉的准备,去看脱衣舞。
7.Well, he said it was his place. I thought he meant to get drunk. Drink whiskey up there. He drank a lot.哦,他总说那是他的地盘。我还以为他是喝醉了,威士忌喝多了。他经常喝。
8.During my last tour I drank a lot. But I grow up and don't see the fun of it any more to get drunk all the time.在我上次巡演中我喝了挺多的,但现在我长大了而且看不到再每时每刻喝那么多酒能给我带来什么快乐。
9.It was rare for him to get drunk as a lord as he did now.像他现在这样喝得酩酊大醉是很少见的。
10.I desire to say this in answer to that charge: As a rule, there are two classes in society who get drunk.我想用下面的话来回敬这种指责:一般来说,社会上喝醉酒的人有两种:一种是钱太多游手好闲的人;