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get bigger是什么意思_怎么读

get bigger



1.变得更大 27. get to work 开始工作 29. get bigger 变得更大 30. with an s 加有 s ...

2.变更大 ... 8.a miracle of love 爱的奇迹 10.get bigger 变更大 7.arrive in/at… =get to … 到达… ...


1.Especially mould opening with automatic system , and mould stroke get bigger , easy to take the products and gate .独特的自动开模系统,节省人力,开模行程大,有得于取成品及料头。

2.The president said the public dislikes the idea of helping the financial sector, only to see the hole get bigger because of lavish spending.奥巴马说,公众不喜欢去救助金融部门,认为只会看到钱消失得更快,因为其巨额的花费。

3.Caterpillars aren't like other folks. As ducks and hippopotamuses and you and I get older, we get bigger. Especially hippopotamuses.毛毛虫没有像其他人。野鸭和河马,我和你变老,我们变大。尤其是河马。

4.Adduce a concrete instance , let others participate in the process that you improve, you are able to get bigger stimulating and courage.举出实际的例子,让别人参与你改善的过程,你会得到更大的鼓舞和勇气。

5.Wow, my arms seem to have get bigger recently.哇噻,我的手臂最近好像变粗了。

6.Evolutionary theory holds that species get bigger and stronger over time because larger, more dominant animals are more likely to reproduce.进化论认为,物种随时间变得越来越大,越来越强壮,因为越大、越占优势的动物更有可能繁衍。

7.So brains had to get bigger, and big brains are costly to produce, dangerous to give birth to and expensive to run.于是大脑不得不变得越来越大。而硕大的大脑有着高昂的成本和运行开销,还带来了分娩中的危险。

8.Ergo, any internet company with a decent market share now is bound to get bigger and more profitable.因此,任何有着可观市场份额的中国互联网公司都肯定会越来越壮大,盈利能力越来越强。

9."This is only going to get bigger, in our opinion, " she said.“我们认为,市场份额只会越来越大,”她补充。

10.You know she got big. Well, she's gonna get bigger.宝贝长大了,她还要长得更大。