get hot
美式发音: 英式发音:na.发热;发怒;接近;〈俚〉使劲干
1.变热 80. Get cold 变冷 81. Get hot 变热 82. Come back to life 苏醒,复苏,复活 ...
2.火热 ... get home 回家。 get hot 变热, 激动起来, 接近。 get hot under the collar [俚语]怒气冲冲的; 局促不 …
4.发热 hotness 习惯用语 get hot (脸)发热[红]; 激动起来 not so hot 普普通通 ...
5.亲热 49. cut class 旷课,逃课 50. get hot 亲热 1. a big letdown 大失所望的事 ...
6.激动起来 hotness 习惯用语 get hot (脸)发热[红]; 激动起来 not so hot 普普通通 ...
7.生气 hit it off 处得来;相处融洽 get hot 生气 in-house 在内部 ...
造句带翻译释义:,发热,发怒,接近,〈俚〉使劲干,变热,火热,亲热1.He waded through the resorts, pretending to be part of a seminar so he could get hot coffee and a roll.他走进度假村,假装参加那里举办的会议,只求能喝上一杯热咖啡,吃上一个面包卷。
2.You've got to be kidding! Let you borrow my best suit for your date? Get hot and get lucky!你在开玩笑吧!你要借我最好的衣服去约会?没门儿!
3.Calm down, everybody. Parents should not get hot under the collar during the children's game.大家都冷静点,父母不要为了孩子的比赛动怒。
4.The fuel rods could still get hot enough to damage their cladding and release radioactive particles into the air.它们仍可能持续升温并破坏防护设施、将放射性粒子散入空气中。
5.Flick the switch on the ShowerStart when you're ready to go, and you'll get hot water instantly.在你准备去洗澡的时候,打开热水节水器的开关,你就立刻可以有热水啦!
6.The problem seems to involve an issue over money, and when things begin to blow up, things will get hot and you won't see it coming.这个问题似乎涉及的金钱问题,事情开始时炸毁,事情会变热,你不会看到它的到来。
7.Maybe it is the summer weather, but when the subject of Beijing comes up these days, multinationals seem to get hot under the collar.或许是因为夏季天气的原因,但如今只要一谈到中国政府的话题,跨国公司似乎就会变得怒气冲冲。
8.Parents should not get hot under the collar during the children's sport events.父母不要为了孩子的运动比赛而动怒。
9.William clapped his hands over them. "They just get hot sometimes. "威廉姆用手摸了摸耳朵,“有时候它们会变得很热。”
10.neither character is particularly defensive, so i don't think it would be strange for either of us to get hot and go on a win streak.没有哪个角色是防守特别好的,所以我不觉得到比赛时其中一个人迅速手感火热然后出现连胜是奇怪的。