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get hitched是什么意思_怎么读

get hitched

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v.get married,marry,tie the knot,wed,walk down the aisle



na.1.<informal>to get married

1.结婚 get a foot in the door 获得立足点 get hitched 结婚 get off on the wrong foot 第一印象不佳 ...

2.就是结婚的意思 ... 2. Finally,you're getting hitched. 终于你要结婚了。 Let's Get hitched. Get hitched 就是结婚的意思。另外,可以说 ...

3.拴起来 full throttle 加足马力 get hitched 拴起来(结婚) get off on the wrong foot 起步便错(第一印象不佳) ...

4.意思是结婚 ... shake-up。 Shake-up, 指重大调整和改组。高科技大公司I Get hitched。 Get hitched, 意思是结婚。 " ...

5.指结婚 “fish out of water” 指如鱼离水, “get hitched指结婚, “You are very obama.” 这些表达中, ...

6.俚语结婚 ... 5. playboy 花花公子 6. get hitched 俚语结婚 7. tie sb. down 限制某人的自 …

7.结婚了 " It serves sb. right. " 你罪有应得的 " be/get hitched " 结婚了 ...

8.幸福牵手 take on the old ball and chain 先上车后买票,特指女方已经怀孕状况下的婚礼 get hitched 幸福牵手 tie the knot 永结同心 ...


1.More than 31, 000 romantic couples are to get hitched this Sunday as the unique date proves to be the hottest day for a wedding this year .超过3.1万对浪漫情侣将在本周日结婚,这一独特的日子将是本年度最热门的结婚日。

2.For older people issues surrounding pensions and inheritance are often the reason they decide to get hitched after years together.对于年长一些的人来说,围绕着养老金和遗产继承的问题经常是他们在相处多年之后还结婚的原因。

3.Crazy chicks make dating so much fun! Plus, watch what happens the minute you get hitched.还有..在关键时刻,你看你被什么给绊住了。

4.But like a trailer hitched to a car, people who get hitched are not easily disconnected by bumps and turns.但与拖车拉车一样,结了婚的两人不会因为碰撞和转弯就轻易断开联系。

5.When San Francisco's Mayor Gavin Newsom began issuing same-sex marriage licenses in 2004, nearly 3, 200 couples lined up to get hitched.当旧金山市长2004年宣布同意同性恋结婚时,有3200对情侣来这里结婚登记。

6.The term refers to a couple who get hitched without any major assets and who spend little on their wedding ceremony.这个术语专指那些零资产,婚礼接近零开销的恋人们。

7.However, if you are considering getting married, consider your motivations and the best reasons to get hitched.不过,如果你正在考虑结婚,想想你的动机和结婚的最佳理由。

8.Women are more likely to get hitched when they see big potential gains from a union.如果觉得结婚有较大的好处,女性往往会更趋向于结婚。

9.Do you really think we're ready to get hitched?你真的觉得我们做好结婚的准备了吗?

10.Maybe they'll even head to the courthouse and get hitched. She's wearing a wedding dress after all!也有可能他们会直接去注册结婚,毕竟她就穿着婚纱。