get in exchange
造句带翻译释义:1.What does a government get in exchange for these favors, a Fed auditor might ask?政府用这些支持交易到了什么好处,每一个美联储的审查者都应该深究。
2.What do you get in exchange for taking the huge risk of leaving something you're good at to do something you're unproven at?冒险离开自己擅长的工作去做没有从事过的工作,为此你获得了多大的好处?
3.What do you get in exchange for derailing your personal plans to follow someone else's path?和个人计划偏离来遵照别人的路线时你又获得了多大好处?
4.Shoemakers produce shoes because they want the products of others which they can get in exchange for shoes.他们制作鞋子是为了用鞋子换取他们所需的他人的产品。