give birth美式发音: 英式发音: 网络释义:使诞生;生孩子;产仔网络释义 produce a child or young from the originate or be responsible for creat...
give and take美式发音: 英式发音: na.公平交换;互让;交换意见网络释义:平等交换;施与受;相互迁就网络释义na.1.公平交换;互让;交换意见na.1.if there is give and tak...
Give birth to美式发音: 英式发音: na.产生网络释义:生育;出生;引起网络释义na.1.生,产生,引起,使发生1.生 give a talk 作报告,作演讲 give birth to 生,产生 (sea,...
give allegiance to网络释义:忠于自己的祖国网络释义1.忠于自己的祖国 语源 Middle English alligeaunce 忠于自己的祖国 give allegiance to 美国传统词典 al.le.giance ......
give attention美式发音: 英式发音: v.注意网络释义v.1.注意1.注意 To be present. 出席 To take care;give attention: 关注;注意: ... 造句带翻译释义:,注意1.Hav...
give an account网络释义:提出解释;解释网络释义1.提出解释choice of the place。 至於 (1), Celia 可能也应该为她所托非人而 提出解释 (give an account) -- 如果指派分公司...
give blessing造句带翻译释义:1.give me a sound give blessing, my heart has long been, as long as you soak more tears, it will be sealed.给我一声最虔诚的祝福,我的...
give authority造句带翻译释义:1.What in the Constitution could you point to to give authority to the Treasury's extraordinary actions that have been taken?宪法中...
give an account of美式发音: 英式发音: na.叙述;说明网络释义:报告;汇报;讲述网络释义na.1.报告,叙述,记述,说明2.说明1.叙述 give…credit for 因……赞扬/尊重 giv...
give color to网络释义:使显可信;使有真实性;使更有趣网络释义1.使显可信 ... give chase to 追赶。 give color to 使显可信。 give colour to 使看起来似有可能。 把话说得象...
give carte blanche造句带翻译释义:1.The former could give carte blanche to debtors to run up deficits; the latter might perpetuate a two-speed Europe.前者等于给...
give confidence造句带翻译释义:1.We had some players going out in the summer and we have decided to give confidence to the young players at the Club.我们在夏天有...
give chase美式发音: 英式发音: 网络释义:追赶;追击同义词v.pursue,follow,go after,chase,run down网络释义 follow someone quickly in order to catch th...
give courage造句带翻译释义 prayers are always with u. Oh God please give courage to the survivors to withstand this tragedy.我的祈祷永远和你们在一起。上帝...
give details网络释义:述通方式;提供;详细阐述网络释义1.述通方式 ... Yes 同意 Give details 述通方式 Fax number 真 ... 2.提供 ... Give details 提供 Name of the course...
give cover造句带翻译释义:1.The role of the G20 is to give cover for the needed discussions between the incumbent and prospective superpowers.G20的作用,是为现任超...
give facts造句带翻译释义:1.Judgment. If I prefer one side, I will give facts and data to persuade the other side.如果我倾向于其中一方的观点,我会拿出数据和事实来...
give directions网络释义:指示方向;指路;予以指示网络释义1.指示方向 礼貌用语 Be Polite 指示方向 Give Directions 减肥见效 Lost Some Wei…2.指路 ... apologize 致歉 give...
give credence to美式发音: 英式发音: na.相信网络释义:证实网络释义na.1.相信1.相信 ... find credence with 得到…的信任,为…所相信 give credence to 相信…,以...
give fair warning造句带翻译释义:1.Tyrael did give fair warning before destroying the world stone, so I'm sure there were others that escaped with their lives.泰...
give currency造句带翻译释义:1.Even though the dollar is under pressure, the plight of the Euro-zone will give currency traders some pause.即使美元面临压力,欧元区...
give faith造句带翻译释义:1.Promise me that you'll give faith a fighting chance, And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.答应我你将要展现出不服输的信...
give emphasis造句带翻译释义:1.We usually place the part to be stressed at the beginning of a sentence so as to give emphasis.我们往往把强调的部分放在句首。收藏...