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give birth是什么意思_怎么读

give birth

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un.1.to produce a child or young from the womb2.to originate or be responsible for creating something

1.使诞生 give back 归还;恢复;后退 give birth 使诞生;生(孩子) give in 投降;交上去;听任 ...

2.生孩子 gifted with 天生有 give birth 产仔,生孩子 give birth to 产生;形成 ...

3.产仔 gifted with 天生有 give birth 产仔,生孩子 give birth to 产生;形成 ...

4.分娩 pension 退休金 give birth 分娩 become pregnant 怀孕 ...

5.生产 stand the thought of 忍受 give birth 生产 vt. 使相信,说服,使承认; ...

6.生出es)牵引诱惑的。15 私慾既怀了胎(v. conceive),就 生出(v. give birth)罪来;罪既长成(having been perfected, finished),就 …

7.生小孩 ... [give birth] 生小孩 [stay at home and raise children] 抱小孩;照看小孩。也指撤职回家闲着 ...

8.产仔生孩子 gifted with / / 天生有 give birth / / 产仔生孩子 give birth to / / 产生形成 ...


1.Although he was as big as a young colt, it was easy for his mother to give birth to him.虽然他如幼马一般大,他的母亲生他时却毫不困难。

2."It has been the best few days of my life, " said one fan, who was faced with a potential dilemma with his wife set to give birth this week.“这几天的经历在我的生命中无可取代,”一位妻子马上就要生产的球迷如是告诉我们,我们可以想象他的内心是多么的纠结。

3.She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.她怀了孕,在生产的艰难中疼痛呼叫。

4.When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb.他玛将要生产,不料她腹里是一对双生。

5.So it was with education in mind -- education with a whiff of indoctrination -- that I wanted them to see a woman give birth.所以这是一种心理教育——点滴教化——我想要她们目睹一个女人生产的景象。

6.When pregnant sows are ready to give birth, they are moved from a gestation crate to a farrowing crate.当怀孕的种猪准备临产时,她们将从怀孕箱转移到生产箱。

7.She is ready to give birth and like a birthing partner I stand by her side giving her all the encouragement she needs to push.她即将分娩了,我作为伙伴陪在她身边给予她需要的鼓励。

8.In Morocco, a woman who has a very young son and is preparing to give birth again keeps an egg close to her during labor.在摩洛哥,如果已经有一个年幼的儿子的女人打算再生一胎的话,会在分娩期间随身携带一枚鸡蛋。

9.Marwan claimed his wife wanted to give birth naturally, but medical experts said this would be impossible.马尔万声称他的妻子本来打算自然分娩,但是医学专家说这将是不可能的。

10.Jessica Alba is due to give birth at the end of summer, but you could hardly tell just by looking at her today. . .杰西卡阿尔巴要在夏天结束时生孩子,但是今天你几乎看不出来。