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give courage是什么意思_怎么读

give courage


1.my prayers are always with u. Oh God please give courage to the survivors to withstand this tragedy.我的祈祷永远和你们在一起。上帝哦,请给予生存者勇气经受住这场灾难。

2.Despair give courage to a world!绝望给予人勇气!

3.No arguments will give courage to the coward.没有什么能给懦夫勇气。

4.I want to friend 's identity to say " goodbye" , but you ever give courage in the ravages of time under disappear.我想过以普通朋友的身份对你说“再见”,但你曾给的勇气已在时间的摧残下消失不见。

5.give courage or confidence to (sb)给(某人)勇气或信心;