give a party美式发音: 英式发音: na.举办…会;请客网络释义:举行宴会;举办聚会;举办派对网络释义na.1.举办...会;请客1.请客 give a party 举办聚会,请客 the school...
give a rest造句带翻译释义:1.I think everybody needs a rest, but I cannot give a rest to some because we have no players.我认为每个人都需要休息,不过我不会给予一些...
give a hint美式发音: 英式发音: na.暗示;给人暗示网络释义:示意网络释义na.1.暗示2.给人暗示1.暗示 ... give a helping hand 伸出援助之手, 助一臂之力。 give a h...
give a ring网络释义:打电话给某人;打了一个电话网络释义1.打电话给某人 give a piece of cake 分红 give a ring 打电话给某人 make a point of 重视 ... 2.打了一个电话 ......
give a piece of one's mind美式发音: 英式发音: na.当面责骂;直说;直言不讳na.1.直率说给(某人)听,当面责骂2.直说;面责3.直言不讳...
give a leg up网络释义:助一臂之力网络释义1.助一臂之力 ... off the hook: 脱离困境 give a leg up: 助一臂之力 invest in: 寄希望于 ......
give a lift网络释义:让…搭车;搭便车网络释义1.让…搭车 girl of the old school 守旧的女性 give a lift 让……搭车 give away 泄露;赠送 ... 2.搭便车 【二手烟】 secondha...
give a pink slip造句带翻译释义:1.I cannot believe that the boss give a pink slip to me today我不敢相信老板今天居然炒我鱿鱼...
give a sheen造句带翻译释义:1.To give a sheen to the surface of ( silk , linen, or metal ) .上轧波纹给(丝、麻或金属)表面上光泽。...
give a shot网络释义:打针;试一试;注射网络释义1.打针 syringe 注射器 give a shot 打针 shale shaker vaccine 疫苗 ... 2.试一试 pocketbook 钱包 give a shot 试一试 intric...
give a talk网络释义:作报告;做报告;演讲网络释义1.作报告 give sb. a call 给……打电话 28) give a talk 作报告 29) give back 归还,送回 31) ... 2.做报告 78.go against 违...
give a whirl网络释义:试一试网络释义1.试一试 whirl away 卷走; 溜掉 give a whirl [口]试一试 whirling motion 旋动 ......
give a thumbs-up造句带翻译释义:1.Or you could add a column called Vote, where team members give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down for each item.您还可以添加一个称为“...
give a wide berth网络释义:敬而远之;躲避;别接近网络释义1.敬而远之 汉译英难点解析:敬而远之 give a wide berth 汉译英难点解析:觉得可疑了 smell a rat ... 2.躲避 ... giv...
give a tip网络释义:给小费网络释义1.给小费 *in ten minutes 在十分钟内 *give a tip 给小费 dressed in a suit 穿着套装 ... 造句带翻译释义:,给小费1.If you give a tip...
give access造句带翻译释义:1.Do not give access to everyone , because this allows access to any user on the network .不要将访问权授予每个人,因为这将允许访问网络上...
give battle to造句带翻译释义:1.They decided to give battle to the enemies.他们决定向敌人开战。...
give a try美式发音: 英式发音: na.试一试网络释义:试一下;试用一下;尝试网络释义na.1.试一试1.试一试 做一做: do it 试一试: give a try 评一评: discuss it ... 2...
give account网络释义:付出帐户网络释义1.付出帐户 50% - 需求帐户( Necessities Account) 10% - 付出帐户( Give Account) 10% - 财务自由帐户( Financial Freedom Account)...
give an edge to美式发音: 英式发音: na.开(刀等的)刃;加强网络释义:加剧网络释义na.1.开(刀等的)刃2.加强,刺激1.加剧 ... give in 让步€ 交上€ € 屈服€投降€...
give best shot网络释义:尽全力网络释义1.尽全力 ... poke around 旁敲侧击 give best shot 尽全力 Attaboy 好样的 ......
give advance notice网络释义:预先通知网络释义1.预先通知 ... ) Pre-advised 预先通知,提前通知 ) give advance notice 预先通知 ) early notification 提前通知 ... 造句带...
give an introduction造句带翻译释义:1.We first give an introduction of Statistical Learning Theory and Support Vector Machines and its application to modeling.首...