give access
造句带翻译释义:1.Do not give access to everyone , because this allows access to any user on the network .不要将访问权授予每个人,因为这将允许访问网络上的任何用户。
2.For cuts, once a scab forms (usually within a few hours), this would no longer give access to the bloodstream, preventing HIV from entering.对于伤口来说,结痂的部位(通常在一个小时之内),不再有进入血液循环的入口,阻止hiv病毒进入。
3.But if the goal is to truly give access to high-quality postsecondary education to most people, well, for that you need to do a lot more.但是如果是给大多数学习者提供高级中等教育的知识,那么,嗯,就还有很多事情等着我们去做。
4.If he has not purchased and installed a game, you still might require them to register before you give access to premium content.如果玩家还没有购买并安装游戏,那么仍然可以要求他们先进行注册,然后才允许他们访问站点内容。
5.The Certificates of the technical schools give access to the entrance examinations at the relevant faculties and colleges.技术学校的文凭提供了参加相关系和大学入学考试的权利。
6.The request, response, and session objects give access to the request parameters, the response headers, and the persistent user data.请求,响应和会话对象提供访问请求参数,响应报头,以及持续不断的用户数据。
7.Select Allow to give access to the specified directory for the specified user account or role.选择“允许”,以允许指定的用户帐户或角色对指定目录的访问。
8.Integration services that give access to enterprise data, applications, newsfeeds and Web services are also provided.整合服务提供了对于企业数据、应用程序、newsfeeds及Web服务的访问。
9.The end to end security model would mean that all providers give access to all trusted requesting applications.端到端安全模型意味着所有提供者将授予所有受信任的请求应用程序访问权限。
10.An ORM is made up of objects that give access to data and keep business rules within themselves.一个ORM是由对象提供的数据访问和控制在自己的业务规则。