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give a try是什么意思_怎么读

give a try

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1.试一试 做一做: do it 试一试: give a try 评一评: discuss it ...

2.试一下 give a cry of pain 发出痛苦的叫声 give a try 试一下 give sb. a call 打电话给某人 ...

3.试用一下 ... make a try 做一次努力,设法 give a try 试用一下 as silent as a grave (墓地) ...

4.尝试 ... doubt: 怀疑 give a try: 尝试 cozy: 惬意的 ...

5.试试看 以……开始 10.以……开始 begin with 11. 试试看 11.试试看 give a try 12. 对 13.对 ....... 有 帮 助 be helpful for 14. ...


1.Please don't always follow your own pattern of mind, lady, give a try to coordinate other people's pattern.一个人不要老是跟着自己的节奏走,偶尔也要配合一下别人的节奏嘛。

2.Anyway I decided to buy a lot and give a try to the devergent signal. I was lucky enough for the price rallied up.无论如何我决定买一手,试一下这个背离信号,我很幸运,价格重新向上了。

3.Benjamin: OK, thanks. Does it work really? I'll give a try.本杰明:好的。谢谢。真的有用么?我来试试。

4.Just wanna give a try. See what happens.只是想试试,看看会发生什么。

5.Just give a try. You never know what you can do until you try.尽管试一试,尝试过才知道自己能做什么。

6.We have a vacancy for graph designer, why don't you give a try?我们公司有一个平面设计的职缺,你为什麽不来试试看呢?

7.my friends have smoked cigar, I want to give a try.我的朋友都抽,我也试了一根。

8.Would you like to give a try at the job?你想试一下这个工作吗?。

9.give a try: attempt, try hard, endeavor努力,尽力,试图