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give a talk是什么意思_怎么读

give a talk



1.作报告 give sb. a call 给……打电话 28) give a talk 作报告 29) give back 归还,送回 31) ...

2.做报告 78.go against 违背、违反; 79.give a talk 做报告; 80.send out 分发; ...

3.演讲 1. give a concert 举行音乐会 2. give a talk 演讲,做报告 3. give away 赠,送 ...

4.做演讲 given name 名字 give a talk 做演讲 go away 离开 ...

5.做一次演讲 过得快活 have fun 做一次演讲 give a talk 例如 for example ...

6.做讲演 talk n. & v. 演讲;谈话 give a talk 做讲演(报告) buy vt. 买 ...

7.作呈文 呈文纸 : petition paper 作呈文give a talk 学术呈文会 : symposium ...

8.作报告或演讲 have a talk 和某人谈话 give a talk 作报告或演讲 make good preparations 准备充分 ...


1.Nowadays, whenever I give a talk anywhere, I try to tell people about this.我现在每次去到任何地方演讲,都会告诉人们这个道理。

2.Philippe Maudet was arriving in Buenos Aires in less than three hours and she had to give a talk about the exhibition at the museum.还有不到三个小时,菲利普就将抵达布宜诺斯艾利斯,她还得在博物馆为这次的展出作汇报。

3.I suppose you could give a talk instead of her.我想你可以代她作个报告。

4.Man: Thanks for your letter asking me to attend this year's conference, and to give a talk again.感谢你写信邀请我参加今年的会议,再次做演讲。

5.But Dr Lively was going to talk on that very subject today. I suppose you could give a talk instead.而莱芙莉博士今天要谈的正是这个题目。我想你可以代她作个报告。

6.Meanwhile, I was getting ready to give a talk at TEDGlobal.同时,我在准备一个TEDGlobal上的演讲。

7.Today I feel greatly honored to be invited to give a talk on this subject.今天非常荣幸受邀就这一主题进行演讲。

8.They've invited me to give a talk at the meeting.他们已邀请我在大会上发言了。

9.B: At its first meeting, the leaders of the organizing committee should give a talk on the working policy and guiding principles.在第一次会议上,组委会的领导应该谈一谈工作方针和指导原则。

10.Let's say for example, you are a botanist and your mother at the retirement center wants you to give a talk to her gardening club.让我们假设这样一个案例,你是一个植物学家,你的母亲在退休老人中心想让你给她的园艺俱乐部做一个演讲。