give chase
美式发音: 英式发音:网络释义:追赶;追击同义词
v.pursue,follow,go after,chase,run down
网络释义 follow someone quickly in order to catch them
1.追赶 give better address 给予详细地址 give chase 追赶 Give her more rudder! 增加舵角! ...
2.追击 give forth v.发出,发表 give chase 追赶,追击… give and take v.平等交换,互让,交换意见 ...
造句带翻译释义:,追赶,追击1.One of its aims is to let authorities in one country give chase, at least electronically, to criminals in another.公约的目的之一是让当权者至少在电子技术方面,跨国追捕犯罪者。
2.The small force will excel in deep maneuvers into vulnerable enemy territory , with the hope that the enemy will give chase and surround it.小型化军队在深入易受攻击的敌方境内机动方面有优势,敌人总是希望能够追击并包围它。
3.The man leaped to his feet to give chase, but then let out a loud groan and sat down again.那人急跃而起,待要追赶,“嗳”的一声,复又坐倒。
4.Agents used to be so outnumbered by the crowds flooding across that they could not give chase to all of them.特工人员曾经因为数量远远不及如洪水般汹涌的越境人群,而不能追赶所有偷渡者。
5.The head monk himself drove his blue BMW to give chase, but yet again, was unable to beat the nuns back to their nunnery !剩下的方丈开着他的蓝色宝马穷追,但仍然还是让尼姑逃回尼姑院了!
6.They sent soldiers to give chase, But by then, Cao Cao had fled out of the eastern gate .此时曹操已飞马奔出东门,逃得无影无踪了。
7.They haven't lost their motor function or mental faculties from the time they were alive and occasionally give chase and attack.它们不会失去生前所具有的体力和精神力,时常追逐或是进攻对手。
8.Jessie was hysterical , screaming loudly , as I picked myself up from the floor gasping to give chase.杰西歇斯底里的大叫,这时我喘着气爬起来继续追。
9.The gunships dive to give chase, dodging and weaving through the trunks.武装直升机俯冲着追逐,在树干间闪躲、穿行。
10.This is because men dream up the perfect woman, a bias that spurs them to give chase.这是因为男人凭空想出完美女人的形象,这种偏见刺激男人进行追求。