Give birth to
美式发音: 英式发音:na.产生
1.生 give a talk 作报告,作演讲 give birth to 生,产生 (sea,bus…) 乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……) ...
2.产生 give a talk 作报告,作演讲 give birth to 生,产生 (sea,bus…) 乘飞机(乘船,乘公共汽车……) ...
3.生育 (6) 大[ great] (1) 生育;出生[ give birth to;be born] (2) 同本义[ boast] ...
4.出生 at birth 在出生时 ; give birth to 出生 blame sb. for sth. 因 … 责备某人 . ...
5.引起 )stray away from“ 偏离”; )give birth to“ 产生,引起” )fall back on“ 求助于” ...
6.生孩子 讲述 tell of 生孩子 give birth to 由……制成 be made of ...
7.生小孩 give back 归还 give birth to 生小孩 give ear to 倾听 ...
8.生下 be beneficial to … 语…有益 · give birth to … 生下… · not a bit= not at all 根本不 · ...
造句带翻译释义:,产生,生育,出生,引起1.Although he was as big as a young colt, it was easy for his mother to give birth to him.虽然他如幼马一般大,他的母亲生他时却毫不困难。
2.If I give birth to a little daughter, I will raise a red flag, and then you should escape as fast as you can, and may God protect you.如果我生下的是个小妹妹,我就升起一面红旗,你们就赶紧远走高飞,愿上帝保佑你们。
3.Do not give birth to dormitory accommodation, run, do not crowd, do not parallel up and down stairs, walking on the right.住宿生出宿舍不要跑跳,不要拥挤,上下楼梯不要并行,靠右侧行走。
4.The healing and redemptive power of experience lies in its ability to help us access and give birth to the deepest part of ourselves.经验里的治愈和拯救力量,在于它有能力帮我们进入并激起自己最深的那一部份。
5.However, the specialist is warning that the encouragement of money is only insufficient as still give birth to stimulation.但专家警告说,单是金钱鼓励还不足以刺激生育。
6.She should be satisfied with you, because she give birth to a world's greatest basketball player.她应该对你感到满意,因为她生出了一个世界上最伟大的篮球运动员。
7.Students, and cardiac effect? Heart not as good as action, female compatriots, you want to give birth to a baby such a lovely Mody?同学们,心动了么?心动不如行动,女同胞们,你们想生一个这么可爱的baby么?
8.In 2009, Emmons and his wife, Katerina, also a shooter, were happy to give birth to a daughter.在2009年,埃蒙斯与他的妻子卡特琳娜生下了女儿。卡特琳娜也是一名射击选手。
9.Women on low-calorie diets or who skip breakfast at the time of conception are more likely to give birth to girls, UK scientists say.英国科学家说,如果女性食用低热量饮食或者在怀孕期间不吃早餐,那么她们生女孩的机率要大得多。
10.Communion between a man and a woman can and does give birth to the greatest positive force in the world.男人和女人之间的交流能够也确实在世界上产生了最伟大的积极的推动。