give ear
1.侧耳听大卫一连用三个不同的词,来表达他内心真诚急切的呼求:「听闻(Hear)」,「侧耳听(Give ear)」,「留心听(Attend) …
造句带翻译释义:,侧耳听1.But the Lord your God would not give ear to Balaam, but let the curse be changed into a blessing to you, because of his love for you.然而耶和华你的神不肯听从巴兰,却使那咒诅的言语变为祝福的话,因为耶和华你的神爱你。
2.And I said, Give ear, now, you heads of Jacob and rulers of the people of Israel: is it not for you to have knowledge of what is right?我曾经说过:“雅各伯的首领,以色列家的官吏,请你们倾听!认识正义,岂不是你们分内的事?”
3.And if, after all this, you do not give ear to me, but go against me still.如果这样,你们还不听从我,仍然与我作对。
4.Give ear, Yahweh, and hear! Open your eyes and see! Listen to all the words of Sennacherib who has sent men to insult the living God!上主,请你侧耳倾听!上主,求你睁眼垂视,细听那打发使者辱骂永生天主的散乃黑黎布的话。
5.Give ear and come to me; hear me, that your soul may live. I will make an everlasting covenant with you, my faithful love promised to David.你们当就近我来;侧耳而听,就必得活。我必与你们立永约,就是应许大卫那可靠的恩典。
6.If one seeks to give ear to the winds, it shall be well with his soul, but they will seize upon his possessions .倘若有人愿意听听风声,这对于他的灵魂固然很好,可是那风声就要夺去他所有的东西。
7.I said unto Jehovah, Thou art my God: Give ear unto the voice of my supplications, O Jehovah.我曾对耶和华说:你是我的神。耶和华啊,求你留心听我恳求的声音!
8.And behold, I know that your brother Simon is a man of counsel: give ear to him always, and he shall be a father to you.你们的兄弟息孟,我晓得他是具有超见的人,你们该常听从他,他该接你们父亲之位。
9.But I say to you who give ear to me, Have love for those who are against you, do good to those who have hate for you.只是我告诉你们这听道的人,你们的仇敌要爱他,恨你们的要待他好。
10.And they did not give ear, but became stiff- necked , like their fathers who had no faith in the Lord their God.他们却不听从,竟硬着颈项,效法他们列祖,不信服耶和华他们的神。