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give an account是什么意思_怎么读

give an account



1.提出解释choice of the place。 至於 (1), Celia 可能也应该为她所托非人而 提出解释 (give an account) -- 如果指派分公司经理的人是她 …

2.解释. 还有生意吗?) 的餐馆, 那麽他有必要向大家 解释 (give an account) 为什麽会做这麽糟糕的决定 ("该不会是你跟这家店有利益 …


1.If you can find them, I'd recommend both the Elven Nations and Dwarven Nations, which give an account of the histories of these two races.我还推荐《精灵国度三部曲》和《矮人国度三部曲》,如果还能找到的话。两者均叙述了这两个种族的历史演变。

2.Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer. '把你所经管的交代明白,因你不能再作我的管家。

3.And don't think you're being conceited and self-centred if you give an account of your recent successes.如果说起最近取得的成就,别认为这是你自负或自我中心的表现。

4.The authors give an account of the measures taken by the ED of their hospital in its construction and management.作者介绍了该院在急诊科建设与管理中,注重增强技术力量,提高抢救应变能力;

5.Please give an account of your personality, including your major strengths and weaknesses .试述你的个性包括主要的强项和弱项。

6.Socrates says that the day will come when those who judge him will be forced to give an account of their lives.苏格拉底说,当那些要对他做出判决的人被逼讲述他们各自的生活时,白天就会来临。

7.If any boy is asked to give an account of what is awakened in him at such knocking, he will probably say something very silly.任一小孩,当问到在叩门声中,他心里有什么被唤醒了,他八成会说些傻里傻气的东西。

8.Hence, this thesis should be divided into four parts: Firstly, I will give an account of Searle's theory of intentionality .因此,本文将分为四部分:在第一部份之中,我将先交代瑟尔的意向性理论。

9.The authors give an account of the basic concept and classification of cytotoxic drugs.介绍了细胞毒药物的基本概念与分类。

10.The angels had come before God to give an account of their service.神的使者来到神的面前汇报他们的工作;