giveaway show网络释义:有奖节目网络释义1.有奖节目 ... Weekly Giveaway 每周奉送 giveaway show 有奖节目 giveaway buffet 慈善餐会 ; 慈悲餐 …...
give weight网络释义:提供了有力的证据网络释义1.提供了有力的证据 ... false recollections: 虚假的回忆 give weight: 提供了有力的证据 confession: 招供 ... 造句带翻译释义...
give witness网络释义:讲见证;作证网络释义1.讲见证 make sb. aware of/that... 让某人知道…… bear/give witness 证明;作证 witness to 作证 ... 造句带翻译释义:,讲见证,作...
given name美式发音: 英式发音: na.名字网络释义:教名;和名;起的名字复数:given names  同义词n.first name,Christian name,forename,name,moniker网络释...
give words to网络释义:用言语表达;用语言表达网络释义1.用言语表达 put... into words 用言语表达 give words to 用言语表达 say the word 表示一下; 吩咐一下 ... 2.用语言...
given over to是give over to的过去分词give over to美式发音: 英式发音: v.把…留作;专用为鳡第三人称单数:gives over to  现在分词:giving over to...
given and taken造句带翻译释义:1.A confession: if a bribe is something offered to influence judgment or conduct, then I have given and taken bribes.我要忏悔:如果...
give-and-take美式发音: 英式发音: adj.公平交换的;互让的;交换意见的n.公平交换;互让;交换意见网络释义:妥协;互相迁就;互相让步同义词反义词n.selfishnessn.cooperatio...
given due consideration造句带翻译释义:1.The relationship between the Audit Committee and the External Auditor had not been given due consideration.审计委员会和...
gives hand造句带翻译释义:1.If everybody gives hand to our world and it will become a love-filled one.所以只要大家都献出份爱心这世界就会充满爱!...
giving birth网络释义:生产;分娩;宝宝降生网络释义1.生产2.分娩 ... 伦敦 London 分娩 Giving Birth 台湾 Taiwan ... 3.宝宝降生 企业活动 Activies 宝宝降生 Giving birth 亲...
giving births网络释义:生孩子网络释义1.生孩子 两种课堂/ two classes 生孩子 / giving births 小红帽 / Little Red Riding Hood ... 造句带翻译释义:,生孩子1.Four best f...