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give weight是什么意思_怎么读

give weight



1.提供了有力的证据 ... false recollections: 虚假的回忆 give weight提供了有力的证据 confession: 招供 ...


1.Since Japan had become an ally of Germany a year earlier, Rabe hoped this would give weight to his protests to the Japanese government.自从日本在一年前成为纳粹德国的同盟国之后,他就希望这能使他的抗议足以引起日本政府的重视。

2.Through the entropy value method objective give weight, solved the question of subjective give weight.通过熵值法客观赋权,解决主观赋权的问题,使权数更具客观性、科学性。

3.The latest figures will give weight to predictions that this year could become the hottest on record.最新的数字将为“今年乃史上最热一年”的预测提供有力证据。

4.The doctrine of a future life, improved by every additional circumstance which could give weight and efficacy to that important truth.关于来世的教义,由于赋予此项主要真理重要性和有效性的每一新情况的发生而有所改进。

5.He is saying to give weight to your relationship with your parents.神的意思是,你和父母之间的关系具有很重的份量。

6.But the party's grandees now know they must give weight to the views of their eager new cadres from the tea party.但是茶党的显贵们现在认为他们必须重视来自其党派内部对任命新党派干部的迫切诉求。

7.The chief task of environmental quality evaluation is to give weight.环境质量综合评价的首要任务是赋权。

8.Li's hometown is willing, Choi Kwok-old Shangcai county, to give weight of civilization.愿李斯的故里,古时的蔡国上蔡县,能文明重举。

9.Give Weight to Aesthetics in the Edit of University Journals高校学报编辑要重视美学研究