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give work是什么意思_怎么读

give work


1.It certainly will not give work to the rest of the Delta's jobless masses, who could yet become fighters.它当然也不会为三角洲地区大量失业的民众——潜在的武装战士提供就业机会。

2.There may be more than one developer working on my sites - anyone I give work to will work under exactly the same conditions.可能有多个开发人员在我的地盘工作-任何人给我的工作将在完全相同的条件。

3.This is not only nice in itself, but it does give work a purpose, and one not to be sneezed at.这不仅本身是一件好事,而且让工作有了一个目标,一个不可以嗤之以鼻的目标。

4.He says people give work to Buddhists.他说人们把工作给佛教徒们。

5.When he goes home at 1pm every day he does not have to give work another thought till 7. 30am the next day.每天下午1点回到家后,直到第二天早晨7点半,他都无须再考虑任何有关工作的事情。