given name
美式发音: 英式发音:na.名字
网络释义:教名;和名;起的名字复数:given names 同义词
n.first name,Christian name,forename,name,moniker
given name— see alsofirst namena.1.教名,名字
n.1.the name that your parents give you when you are born
1.名 Surname 姓 * Given Name 名 * Company Name 公司名称 * ...
2.名字 given give 的过去分词 given name 名字 course n. 课程; 路线 ...
3.教名那么就逐一把同行人员的姓(Family name)和名(Given Name)和和自己的关系 (Relationship with person)填好罢,多过一个按”…
5.起的名字 25. That's a good idea. 那是个好主意。 27. given name 起的名字 33. to many people 对许多人来说 ...
6.姓 surname 姓名 given name 姓 middle initial 名 ...
7.是名 First Name/Given Name 是名 last/family name 姓 ...
8.英文名字 *英文姓氏 Family Name: *英文名字 Given Name: 联络电话 Contact tel. no.: ...
造句带翻译释义:,名字,教名,和名,起的名字1.The only exception was if he committed a crime. During sentencing, he would be called by his "given name" .唯一的例外是当他犯罪,在判刑的时候可以直呼他的名。
2.If it finds a host for the given name, it uses the FQDN as a basis to construct the name part of the targeted record.如果找到了一个有给定名字的主机,它使用正式域名作为建造目标记录的名字部分的基础。
3.The first one was an old man from the Chu State, with a family name of Li, given name Er, and a studio name of "Bo Yang" .第一个老子是春秋末年楚国人,姓李名耳字伯阳,曾担任周王朝的“守藏室史”,相当于皇家档案馆或图书馆的馆长。
4.We like the star very much, therefore my also custom is called him "the star" (, although his given name is not called star).我们都很喜欢星星,所以我也习惯叫他“星”(虽然他本名不叫星)。
5.A source is only allowed to have a single relationship with a given name.一个源只允许与给定的名称具有单个关系。
6.It returns all of the child-nodes with the given name, that is, all of the elements in the feed.它返回具有给定名称的所有子节点,即提要中所有元素。
7.However, because an element may have at most one attribute with a given name, access to attributes can be optimized.但是,由于一个元素对于一个给定名称最多有一个属性,因此可以优化对属性的访问权。
8.All of these names lead up to the God-given name Jesus.所有这些名字都引向一个由神所赐的名字,就是耶稣。
9.Karol Jozef Wojtyla was loved by millions of people around the world. However, they didn't know him by his given name.卡罗尔.约泽夫.沃伊蒂瓦受到全球数百万人的爱戴,但他原本的名字并不为人熟知。
10.Used to distinguish a son from his father when they have the same given name .小当父子俩的名相同时,该词用于表示儿子的名字,以区别于父亲。