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give over to是什么意思_怎么读

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give over to

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v.把…留作;专用为鳡第三人称单数:gives over to  现在分词:giving over to  过去式:gave over to  过去分词:given over to  

na.1.to use something for a particular purpose2.if you give something over to someone, it becomes theirs


1.The spark of Christ Michael remained ready to be recognized, but direct guidance was given over to outside suggestion and random intuition.ChristMichael的火花残存(在这些化身中)等待被重新认出,但是原本(神的)直接的指导不得不变成给外部的建议和随意的直觉。

2.But staff eventually complained that so much time was being given over to measurement that there was little left to devote to customers.但是雇员们最终抱怨在指标度量上花费了太多时间,以至于只有很少的时间留个客户。

3.Whole zones of major cities, like the Asian Games Village area in Beijing, have been given over to car lots and showrooms.主要城市的主要地区,象北京的亚洲游戏村区域,已经被汽车商品和陈列室所占领。

4.After being dedicated to him in 1723, the temple was first given over to the Buddhists, and later to the Lama Sect.之后,在他以先,这座寺庙是1723所佛教徒,后来在喇嘛派。

5.But England, except among a small minority, is almost as much given over to the worship of money as America.但是英国,除了一小部分人外,也和美国一样地倾心于对金钱的崇拜!

6.Even when Okinawa reverted to Japanese control, one-fifth of the land, given over to US military bases, remained off limits.甚至在日本政府恢复了对该岛的控制之后,仍有五分之一的地区被划为美国军事基地,外人禁止入内。

7.The rest of the three-and-a-half-hour session is given over to simple reading and math, art and playtime.其余的三个半小时,老师会教这些孩子们阅读、数学和艺术,或者是让他们自由地玩耍。

8.First, allow an adequate proportion of your time to be given over to doing research.首先,要拿出足够的时间做些研究工作。

9.Livelihoods and food security have been lost as land that used to grow food for people to eat is given over to toxic GM soy monocultures.随着原本用来种植人类食物的土地改为种植有毒的大豆单一作物,当地居民的谋生之道与粮食安全也丧失已尽。

10.However, increasingly significant areas are now also given over to high quality vegetables for supply direct to the supermarkets.然而,重要的地方不断增加,直截为超市提供高质量的蔬菜。