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give off是什么意思_怎么读

giving off是give off的现在分词

give off

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na.放出第三人称单数:gives off  现在分词:giving off  过去式:gave off  过去分词:given off  



na.1.to produce something such as heat, light, or a smell

1.放出 ... D. focus 集中 108. D. giving off 放出 110. B. take up 开始从事 . ...


1.Near the Sun they may vaporize, giving off the dust and gas that produce the comet's tail we see from Earth.在接近太阳时,它们会被蒸发,而放出气体和尘埃,形成我们所看到的彗星尾巴。

2.Those freshly green buds had grown plump and tough, giving off fragrance as if toxic piquancy.青翠的花苞结实饱满,芳香如同带有毒性的辛辣。

3.As one of the folk arts in Anhui Province, Flower Drum Lantern is giving off splendid effulgence across the whole province.花鼓灯作为安徽省民间艺术之一,在江淮这片土地上散发着奇特的光辉。

4.The heat breaks the biomass down into a charcoal-like solid and the bio-oil, giving off some gas in the process.这种情况下,加热会把生物原料变成木炭似的固体物质和生物原油,同时释放某些气体。

5.I never realized giving off myself to another could be so exciting and fulfilling.我从未认识到为别人奉献是如此地令人激动与满足。

6.When a black body cools down, at some point it no longer radiates light in the visible spectrum, giving off infrared photons instead.当黑体变冷的时候,在一定的温度以下,它就不会再发出可见光而是放出红外光子。

7.This man seemed like being hungry for a long time and seemed to seek the food he liked, giving off a sharp and cruel expression in his eyes.一个还回头看他,样子不甚分明,但很像久饿的人见了食物一般,眼里闪出一种攫取的光。

8.The PUYO, powered by a very green fuel cell system, is self-illuminated at night, giving off a faint glow to protect from nighttime mishaps.PUYO车中更加入了一套非常环保的燃料电池系统——可以自动照亮黑夜,并发出微弱的辉光以保护汽车免遭夜间事故的危险。

9.A women passed by me giving off a subtle scent of perfume, it reminded me of my ex-girlfriend.一个女人路过我身边时,散发出了微妙的香水气味,这让我想起我的前女友。

10.More slug-looking than anything, this little guy is giving off a message to his predators that he will not make a tasty meal.那小东西长得活像一只鼻涕虫,这给了捕食者一个信号:我可不是好吃的东西。