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give away是什么意思_怎么读

giving away是give away的现在分词

give away

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网络释义:泄露;诺恩吉雅;赠送第三人称单数:gives away  现在分词:giving away  过去式:gave away  过去分词:given away  



na.1.to tell information or facts that you should keep secret; to show an emotion or quality that you are trying to hide2.to provide someone with something that you no longer want or need; if a company gives something away, they let you have it without paying for it3.in sports, to allow an opponent to win because you make a silly mistake4.if a man gives a woman away on her wedding day, he leads her toward the man she is going to marry1.to tell information or facts that you should keep secret; to show an emotion or quality that you are trying to hide2.to provide someone with something that you no longer want or need; if a company gives something away, they let you have it without paying for it3.in sports, to allow an opponent to win because you make a silly mistake4.if a man gives a woman away on her wedding day, he leads her toward the man she is going to marry

1.泄露 anonymous 匿名的; 无名的; giving away 泄露 showing off 显示,炫耀 ...

2.诺恩吉雅 02. 牧歌 A Pastoral Song 03. 诺恩吉雅 Giving Away 04. 贵夫人 Song Of Honor ...

3.赠送 Get out of my ashtray 我的烟灰缸 Giving away,giving way 赠送,让路 Got nothing to say 有什么可说 …

4.生活在于奉献 ... 60. 逆境造天才 Adversity Makes a Genius 61. 生活在于奉献 Giving Away 62. 厕所——学习的新去处 Studying Stin…


1.It is an old-style anti-armour weapon which tends to make a huge blast on firing thus giving away its position to an enemy.该装备是一种老式反装甲武器,而且由于其巨大的声响和放出的火光会向敌人暴露自己的位置。

2.The heart is only for giving away with a tear and a song, my love.心只应该和一滴眼泪、一首诗一起赠送与人的,我爱。

3.From my point of view, Adobe was giving away the PhotoShop engine as a control that you could embed in a Web page.照我看来,Adobe是把PhotoShop引擎变成了能够嵌入到网页中的控件。

4.After giving away so much credit, Yunus finally won some for himself in 2006 when he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics.送出这么多的信贷之后,尤纳斯终于在2006年为自己赢得了一些回报:他被授予诺贝尔经济学奖。

5.As an undergrad at Tufts University, we were giving away free falafel one day and, you know, it was Middle East Day or something.在塔夫斯大学的读本科的时候,我们有一天在免费分发鹰嘴豆饼,因为当天是中东日。

6."The U. S. government is basically a nonprofit institution, " he said. "So paying taxes is like giving away to an organization. "“基本上,美国政府是个非盈利机构,”他说,“所以纳税就等于是在给慈善机构捐钱。”

7.But, more troubling, they're giving away information about themselves without realizing just how much is being collected and shared.但令人不安的是,他们发送信息时,却没意识到到底有多少信息在被收集和共享。

8.The heart is only giving away with a tear and a song, my love.心是应该和一滴眼泪、一首诗歌一起送给人的,我爱。

9.Paul Scholes was singled out for giving away the ball, but even the otherwise outstanding Ryan Giggs was culpable .斯科尔斯因为丢球被点名批评,表现优异的吉格斯也没逃过批评。

10.He sat there motionless, only his deep, black eyes giving away whatever inner turmoil he might have felt.莫雷蒂坐着纹丝不动,只有青黑色的双眼的神色反映出他内心的烦乱。