
  • gets off scot-free

    gets off scot-free造句带翻译释义:1.In this robbery, the value several million pounds cashes and the jewelry are looted, the criminal offender gets off scot-free...

  • gets the bottom

    gets the bottom造句带翻译释义:1.Gets the bottom panel of the ToolStripContainer.获取ToolStripContainer的底部面板。...

  • gets top

    gets top造句带翻译释义:1.Denmark gets top rankings for life satisfaction and its the amount of buildings it has up to basic standards.丹麦因生活满意度和达到基本...

  • gets used to

    gets used to造句带翻译释义:1.You know, you can try a little sugar water on the bottle, just until he gets used to it.你们可以试着在奶瓶里放点糖直到他习惯为止2.Y...

  • gets to the bottom

    gets to the bottom造句带翻译释义:1.When he digs into a problem he does not give up until he gets to the bottom.他要是钻研一个问题,就非弄个水落石出不可。2.The ass...

  • gets the top

    gets the top造句带翻译释义:1.Carl Warner gets the top spot on this list for his brilliantly realistic photographs of landscapes, which are created entirely from...

  • gets well

    gets well造句带翻译释义:1.We also told him that as soon as he gets well, we will question the misdiagnosis & possibly take the corrective measures.我们同时告诉...

  • gets to the bottom of

    gets to the bottom of造句带翻译释义:1.The association is also freezing regular tournaments until an investigative panel gets to the bottom of the mess.协会同时...

  • get at

    getting at是get at的现在分词get at美式发音: 英式发音: na.抓住;看出;到达;拿得到第三人称单数:gets at  现在分词:getting at  过去式:got at&#...

  • gets with

    gets with是get with的第三人称单数gets with美式发音: 英式发音: na.1.to know about what is happening or things that are fashionable at the present time2...

  • gets to the top

    gets to the top造句带翻译释义:1.The first person that gets to the top of the mountain can get a prize.第一个到达山顶的人能获奖。...

  • getting back in shape

    getting back in shape造句带翻译释义:1.After New York, I went home for a week to rest my voice, start getting back in shape, and think about how to get out of th...

  • gettable

    gettable美式发音: ['getəbəl] 英式发音: ['getəbl] adj.能到手的网络释义:格式的主机表;可获取网络释义adj.1.能得到的,能到手的na.1.“getable”的变体na.1.Th...

  • getting better

    getting better网络释义:渐入佳境;越来越好;变得更好网络释义1.渐入佳境 ... 4 Glass Onion 洋葱头 5 Getting Better 越来越好 7 She's Leaving Home 她离开 …3.变得更好来阅...

  • get ahead

    getting ahead是get ahead的现在分词get ahead美式发音: 英式发音: na.进步;前进网络释义:剑桥商务英语教程;工作叙述;向前第三人称单数:gets ahead  现在分...

  • get

    getting是get的现在分词get美式发音: [ɡet] 英式发音: [ɡet] v.获得;取得;被;收到n.赢利;薪资;(动物的)子;(煤炭)产量网络释义:得到;格庭;获取过去式:got  过去...

  • getting big

    getting big造句带翻译释义:1.A scant five years ago the only time you saw Robert Downey Jr. getting big play in your newspaper came when he was on a perp walk.而...

  • getting a break

    getting a break网络释义:休息一下网络释义1.休息一下 ... 「基因军备竞赛」( Genetic Arms Race) 「休息一下」( Getting A Break) 「刺客」( Assassin) ... 造句带翻译释义:,休息...

  • getting along with

    getting along with网络释义:同学相处网络释义1.同学相处和同学相处(getting along with)不好的儿童很可能导致他在学习(academically)上的落后和更高的退学率。特别是低年级的...

  • getting chest

    getting chest造句带翻译释义:1."I just started getting chest pains" and collapsed while out walking one night, she said.在一天晚上出外散步的时候,他说道“我感到胸...

  • getting down on one knee

    getting down on one knee造句带翻译释义:1.William's brother Prince Harry, 22, was tipped to beat him to getting down on one knee.据传闻,威廉王子的弟弟--22岁的哈里...

  • getting dressed

    getting dressed网络释义:穿衣;穿衣服;穿上衣服网络释义1.穿衣 get together 聚集;聚会;收集;积累 getting dressed 穿衣服 Getting Home 落叶归根 ... 3.穿上衣服 ... 010 Moving...

  • getting even

    getting even网络释义:扯平;加倍报复;即使在入门网络释义1.扯平 3.The Sitter 临时保姆 4.Getting Even 加倍报复 5.The Visit 做客 ... 3.即使在入门 ... 1909 儿童的好友 The Chi...

  • getting hair

    getting hair造句带翻译释义:1.For growing out her hair, she is thinking about getting hair extensions.在留长发方面,她在考虑做头发嫁接。...

  • getting into the act

    getting into the act造句带翻译释义:1.Business schools are also getting into the act by suggesting students pack some lightweight business books into their lugga...

