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get ahead是什么意思_怎么读

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get ahead

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网络释义:剑桥商务英语教程;工作叙述;向前第三人称单数:gets ahead  现在分词:getting ahead  过去式:got ahead  过去分词:gotten ahead  



na.1.to make progress in your work and become successful2.to be more successful, or to progress more quickly than, other people

1.剑桥商务英语教程 Press( 出版社) Getting Ahead 剑桥商务英语教程 CUP 华夏出版社 ...

2.工作叙述 ... Arranging Meetings and Schedules 安排会议行程 Getting Ahead 工作叙述 Turning a Company Around 扭转局 …

3.向前外展主任潘监成,塞弗克郡高等法院助理书记黄瑞瑜;「向前(Getting Ahead)」的麻大波士顿分校教授Sam Museus,昆士亚 …

4.前程无限增刊d)、英语咖啡屋增刊(Englis hcafe)和前程无限增刊(Getting ahead)等。

5.絕招職場紅不讓--35個無往不利的工作絕招 (Getting Ahead)新產上市這樣做就對了:10大策略讓你一炮而紅 (New Product Launch:1…


1.It annoys me to see him getting ahead of me.我看见他领先于我就心里不痛快。

2.No matter what I read though, successfully getting ahead financially boils down to a few simple truths.但是无论我读了什么书,我发现所有的理财观都可以概括成以下几条朴实的真经。

3.Mark: Exactly and that was the problem with the intranet in France. . . But I'm getting ahead of myself.马克:确切地说在法国这种网有一个大问题是……我现在找不着头绪了。

4.But we're now getting ahead of ourselves. Let me briefly describe each stage and its major characteristics.接下来简要的介绍每个阶段和其特性。

5.I'm happy to hear that you are getting ahead with your new work.听说你的新工作取得进展,我很高兴。

6.Concentrate on getting ahead financially and let your personal life settle down for a while.专注地在财务方面进行努力,让自己的个人生活稳定一段时间;

7.We've assembled a variety of metrics to help determine whether you're getting ahead, holding steady, or slipping further than most.本文综合了各项统计数据,以帮助您判断您的中产阶级水平,究竟是走在前头、保持稳定还是需要奋力追赶。

8.As Mark Twain said, "the secret of getting ahead is getting started. "就如同马克·吐温所说:“走在前面的秘诀就是立刻开始。”

9.And if your colleagues prioritize getting ahead at all costs, what happens to your values of honesty, kindness, and mutual respect?再有,如果你的同事为升职不惜一切代价,那么你的正直,善良和尊重别人这些价值观会发生什么变化呢?

10.People in Rome saw each other as competitors who would fight and lie to gain any advantage. Getting ahead was the only thing that mattered.罗马人视彼此为竞争对象,会为了利益而不惜动武和说谎,他们认为只有胜利才是最重要的。