get at
美式发音: 英式发音:na.抓住;看出;到达;拿得到第三人称单数:gets at 现在分词:getting at 过去式:got at 过去分词:gotten at
na.1.抓住;看出,了解2.到达;拿得到,够得着3.〈口〉贿赂,收买4.〈俚〉挖苦,攻击;欺骗5.意指1.抓住;看出,了解2.到达;拿得到,够得着3.〈口〉贿赂,收买4.〈俚〉挖苦,攻击;欺骗5.意指 try to suggest something without saying it discover the true facts about manage to reach or touch criticize someone again and again in a way that is try to suggest something without saying it discover the true facts about manage to reach or touch criticize someone again and again in a way that is unfair
造句带翻译释义:,抓住,看出,到达,拿得到1.It's easy to see what he's getting at.很容易看出他在暗示什么。
2.How much you need daily: Seventy-five milligrams, but some experts recommend getting at least 200 milligrams.你每天需要多少量:75mg,但是一些专家建议最少200mg。
3.I didn't see what he was getting at until he said he forgot his wallet.我一直不懂他在暗示什么直到他说出忘了钱夹的事。
4.If I correctly understood what she was getting at, it seems to be a good idea.如果我没有弄错它的意思的话,那是个好主意。
5.I am sure that some of you at least are suspecting what I am getting at here, but let's not spoil it for those who don't see it yet. OK.我相信至少你们中的某些人,猜到了我要做什么,但请不要打消,其他同学的积极性。
6."You want me to see a shrink? " My voice was a shade sharper as I realized what he was getting at.“你让我去看心理医生?”当我弄明白他的意图之后,我说话的音调变得尖利。
7.The boss keeps finding fault with my work; for some reason he's been getting at me all day.老板老是挑剔我的工作,不知为什么他老是整天纠缠着我。
8.What I'm getting at is hardly news to anyone: We're smack dab in the middle of the Age of Immediacy.下面的这句话对任何人几乎都不是新闻了:我们正待在“即刻发生”的时代了。
9.I might get a bit carried away, but if you wouldn't stop getting at me.我可能有些忘乎所以了但是要是你一直试着去理解我
10.He will see a greater number of possible starting places, and a greater number of ways of getting at what he wants to do.他将发现更多可能的出发点和更多的方法,完成他所要做的事情。