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getting along with是什么意思_怎么读

getting along with



1.同学相处和同学相处getting along with)不好的儿童很可能导致他在学习(academically)上的落后和更高的退学率。特别是低年级的 …


1.When I moved away from his house, Larry grabbed my hands saying, "it's nice getting along with you for some time. "我搬走时,拉瑞握着我的手说:“真高兴与你相处了这么一阵子。”

2.Though I admire Boss Chen such kind of person, but perhaps getting along with him, I never be his first place in his heart!以前虽然认为像陈老板那样全心全意顾事业的人很完美,也很喜欢,但是和智出去这次却让我稍微改变了这个观点!

3.We'll expect to hear from you about how everything is getting along with you.我们将期待听到关于你情况的消息。

4.I had become used to getting along with her bad and good points already; I knew how to deal with the bad ones and accept the good ones.不论前一位侍者有多烂,但总会有一些优点,而且我也已经习惯她的优缺点,知道怎么取长补短。

5.Sixth grade was a new school to me and I had a hard time kind of getting along with all the kids.我6年级到了一所新学校,然而我和所有孩子相处都有点困难。

6.B: Pretty good. I enjoy it. A: How are you getting along with your colleagues? B: So far, so good. They are really nice people.你觉得新工作怎么样?:不错。我喜欢。:你和你的同事相处的怎么样?:到目前为止很好。他们都是很好的人。

7.Importantly, this means getting along with those who have been promoted internally after three years of hard labour as analysts.重要的是,这意味着要与那些经过三年艰苦分析员工作被内部提升为经理的人打交道。

8.Love is the answer to getting along with others. Love is understanding, goodwill, and a respect for the divinity of the other.与他人和睦相处的秘诀就是爱。爱是理解、善意、尊重他人身上神赐的个性。

9.Therefore, in this case, I think she should monitor their relationship for some time, relaxing and getting along with him like a friend.所以,假若这样的话,她应该观察他们之间的关系一段时间…放松下来试著先与他做普通朋友。

10.Excellent interpersonal, communication and coordinating skills, ability of getting along with customers without much problem.良好的个人交际、沟通及协调能力,能够与客户在正常的情况下融洽相处。