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gets used to是什么意思_怎么读

gets used to


1.You know, you can try a little sugar water on the bottle, just until he gets used to it.你们可以试着在奶瓶里放点糖直到他习惯为止

2.You know a heart can live with loneliness, but it never gets used to it.你要知道,一颗心可以忍受孤独痛苦,但是从未习惯过这种感觉。

3.That is only the place where the collar is put on at night to keep me chained up; it chafes a bit, but one soon gets used to it.而这只是其中的衣领是在晚上将继续我带上铁链的地方,它查费斯了一点,但很快得到一个习惯了。

4.I admit that is a little weak in taste but as I said one gets used to it.我承认这茶的味道不是特别给力,但是正如我说的,你会渐渐习惯的。

5.However, the side effects tend to improve after a few weeks as your body gets used to the medicines.不过,副作用往往以改善后的几个星期,因为你的身体得到用于该药品。

6.Once your body gets used to healthy eating and all the extra energy that it gets from it you will not even want to turn back.一旦你的身体习惯了健康的饮食以及它所给予你的额外能量,你就再也不想回到过去的那种饮食习惯中去。

7.Whatever the original cause, the body gets used to responding quickly and rapid ejaculation becomes the norm.不管起初的原因是什么,患者的身体已经习惯于迅速反应,早射也变为了常态。

8.Get used to it as one gets used to living with a backache?习惯它就象习惯自己的背疼一样?

9.build the sale framework that gets used to the market and sale system, advance become electrical engineering especially brand strategy.建立适应市场的营销架构及营销体系,推进特变电工品牌战略。

10.Meanwhile, the urban road that with motor vehicle development gets used to grows however slow, year average amplitude is only 2. 1% .与此同时,与机动车发展相适应的城市道路却增长缓慢,年平均增幅仅为2.